Boofaloo I am so pleased you and Charlie had a nice hack. I am still amazed at how being round a horse can totally alter how I feel.
Yesterday I had a lovely lesson. When I first got Zoe she was not well schooled. She had been a brood mare all her life and although was bomb proof and very easy to manage when spring came and seasons started along with spring grass I started struggling a bit with her. I asked an experienced very calm quiet rider I know who has nothing to ride herself, if she would like to ride Zoe a couple of times a week just to keep her ticking over and the pressure off me to ride...she almost bit my hand off lol. This lady has been schooling Zoe, I never asked her to but it's her favourite bit of riding. She has even taught Zoe to jump !! Yesterday for the first time I really noticed a difference in Zoe. She was tracking up beautifully and really working from her back end, like she had springs in her hocks lol. It was just one of those lessons where everything goes right.
I haven't had any real struggles with Zoe since the spring but the agreement with this lady remains. She has Zoe twice a week to do with as she wishes or not at all lol. It suits us both.
And on a totally different note. My grandaughter who is 4 and particularly tiny, rides at our local school. Her other grandmother takes her and has just bought her the cutest little leather riding gloves. They are so tiny and so cute brings tears to my eyes lol.