3lb off for me this week, so close to 2 stone but not quite. Next week definitely.
However so excited and really pleased as I've had to go down to my next size down trousers. The ones I normally WI were going to fall off.
I was freezing cold as they are linen but the only pair I have in size 18 apart from jeans and definitely not weighing in jeans, far too heavy.
Really might have to go and buy some more but of course need bit warmer than summer ones. Obviously I wasn't this size in Spring (winter temps at night) before. Very few size 18 clothes and only summer size 16 tops which i really need now because of pear shape.
Still all this is immaterial as the 18s fit!!!! Can you tell I'm a bit pleased?
Leesy 18lbs (8.5lbs lost 9.5lbs to go) Sunday weigh in
Emzy- 9lb (1 lost, 8lb to go) Tuesday weigh in
8541boo 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go) Monday WI xx
sharnjit - 20lbs (7lbs lost 13 lbs to target) Sunday weigh in
Mr Gilbo - 25lb (7lbs lost 18lbs to target) Monday WI
Phoenyx - 18lbs (0 lost - 18 to go) Tues weigh in
Spangly Mum - 25lbs (16 lost - 9 to go) Tuesday WI
Roseposie - 10lbs (4 lost - 6 to go ) Tuesday WI
Preeti77 - 14lbs (0 lost - 14 to go - Sunday WI
Zombiegirl - 10lbs (2.5 lost - 7.5 to go) Monday weigh in
LucyItani-16lbs (5 lost - 11 to go ) Wendesday WI
Blodwen - 14lbs (3lb lost 11lb to go) Tues WI x
nzmegs - 4lbs (3lb lost - 1lbs to go) Tuesday weigh in (maintaining)
JJR93 - 20lbs (5lb lost - 15lb to go) Friday's WI
Ickle pand - 12lbs (3lbs lost 9lb to go) Wednesday WI