Aprils food diary! First 6 days x

Well today's been a good green day!! I love green days!! Only gonna do EE once a week when the OH needs a lovely meal treat too :)

Have had compliments today on my weight loss and boobs actually lol. Apparently they look bigger?! Must be due to WL as I have implants n they can't get bigger!! Haha

Currently led in bed with summer as she can't sleep. OH downstairs watching tv so me and my gorgeous girlie are having a mini sleepover :D Ahhhh
(Have attached a pic of us getting ready this morning :D)
OH won't be pleased as he would prefer just the two of us in bed ;)...but unfortunately not this eve!!

Ali* were r u today?! Any culinary disasters this eve? Did hubby get sugar on his fish or salt in hid tea?! ;) haha xxx

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**


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For goodness sake. Not sure why we r upside down in the pic!! It uploaded the correct way!


**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"*


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I'm furious today!! The day didn't start wells OH refused to get out of bed and give summer breakfast and get her dressed whilst I got ready for work....which meant I was late for work! Great.this is an ongoing battle and I'm sick to death with it!!!

Then I get into work and the night staff have trashed the office. Angry isn't the appropriate word to use and I don't think this site would be v happy if I used the appropriate words!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr

As for the diet today ....

Sat 12 feb 2011
Green day

Breakfast: none

Lunch: tomato mugshot
X3 ryvita (HEb) with 3 laughing cow light (hea), x2 bread (HEb) with rest of laughing cow (hea) and pickle 1 syn.

Chickrn and mushroom pasta sauce

Syns: x2 hot choc - 4
Snack a jack: 2.5
Pickle 1

Total: 7.5

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**
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I'm here babs :)

Lol @ yr piccie of you & Summer! After attempting to look at the computer screen upside down I eventually saved it and spun it round properly so I could see it! Ooh you 2 gorgeous girls! OH is a lazy arse and should've got up this morning! Maybe he was jealous of your special time with Summer?? :girlpower:

Have you got a full day in work? Hopefully by the time you get home you will have calmed down and he will have done some chores and looked after baby girl :faint2:

I had a much needed day off yesterday. DH was off too so we just mooched around. He made a SW curry in the slow cooker while I made brekkie, then we took Poppy the Popstar for an hour's walk :chores016: then I went for a haircut while he picked up Ry from school. Rosie went to a friend's house after school and I was due to pick her up at 9pm but of course that meant I couldn't have a glass of vino, so I asked her not to be too late. She text me at lunch-time saying that her friend's mum would be bringing her home - cringe city! I bet she told her friend I wanted a vino collapso!!

Anyway, like you I was a very good girl and only had 2 small wine & lemonades (8.5 syns).

DH is working today so I've been to town with Ry for his keyboard lesson and bought DH a lovely titanium ring for Valentines because we've been together 20 years (yes, I'm old).

Anyway, this is your diary - not mine! I think I might start one of my own later xx Have a lovely evening xx
Ali* said:
I'm here babs :)

Lol @ yr piccie of you & Summer! After attempting to look at the computer screen upside down I eventually saved it and spun it round properly so I could see it! Ooh you 2 gorgeous girls! OH is a lazy arse and should've got up this morning! Maybe he was jealous of your special time with Summer?? :girlpower:

Have you got a full day in work? Hopefully by the time you get home you will have calmed down and he will have done some chores and looked after baby girl :faint2:

I had a much needed day off yesterday. DH was off too so we just mooched around. He made a SW curry in the slow cooker while I made brekkie, then we took Poppy the Popstar for an hour's walk :chores016: then I went for a haircut while he picked up Ry from school. Rosie went to a friend's house after school and I was due to pick her up at 9pm but of course that meant I couldn't have a glass of vino, so I asked her not to be too late. She text me at lunch-time saying that her friend's mum would be bringing her home - cringe city! I bet she told her friend I wanted a vino collapso!!

Anyway, like you I was a very good girl and only had 2 small wine & lemonades (8.5 syns).

DH is working today so I've been to town with Ry for his keyboard lesson and bought DH a lovely titanium ring for Valentines because we've been together 20 years (yes, I'm old).

Anyway, this is your diary - not mine! I think I might start one of my own later xx Have a lovely evening xx

Hello!! Just checked out your diary :)

Lol summer is gorgeous...not too sure about me! Took that pic this week, she loves to sit Down next to me every morning and watch me put my make up on bless her :)

Things not great at home right now. I'm sat in bed with my hot choc waiting for my box office movie to start ... Alone! :'(

I weighed myself tonight. It said 11st 9 :D ... That's albs lighter! Plus I've still hot until Monday and I'm going to take little one out for a v long walk tomoz .... Oh happy days!
Your days sounds v busy yday! How sweet re the ring! V romantic :) curry sounds lovely too!

I worked until 4 yday and then met an old "friend" for a quick cuppa which was nice actually. But had to have a small wine last night. I only add the Lemo as it goes further that way lol.

Today's been good re SW ... Just looking forward to Monday WI now !!

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**
So Sunday 13th feb....


Lunch: mugshot, roll (HEb), laughing cow (hea), 3 ryvita (HEb)

Snack: mugshot! (ate lunch at 11.30 :eek:)

Roasted veg, tinned toms, jar of Ww garlic pasta sauce (6 Syns but had half portion so 3 syns used), pasta, garlic.

Syns: 3 on Ww sauce
2 hot choc
4 treat size crunchie
Total: 9 syns

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**
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Hey you (((((hugs)))))

What an awful day you've had :(

I'm not very good in these situations but I think you are doing yourself an injustice. You have found an inner strength to break up this relationship which some women could not do. You know in your heart that this isn't working and I'm telling you now ... nobody deserves to be put down like you have been over the years :mad:

Keep strong hun and you know me and your Minimins buddies are here for you xx :gen126:
Ali* said:
Hey you (((((hugs)))))

What an awful day you've had :(

I'm not very good in these situations but I think you are doing yourself an injustice. You have found an inner strength to break up this relationship which some women could not do. You know in your heart that this isn't working and I'm telling you now ... nobody deserves to be put down like you have been over the years :mad:

Keep strong hun and you know me and your Minimins buddies are here for you xx :gen126:

Thanks Ali* don't worry, I'm usually not good at situations likethis either :)

I'm just getting on with things and keeping myself busy with my gorgeous girlie :) tomorrows a new day.
It has to be done no matter how much it hurts.

.... Have edited today's diary. 10 Syns in total today. V pleased with the week. Not cheated once :) and looking forward to WI tomorrow eve. Hope u had fab day x

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**
Today's a new day! Having to sort loads of things out today Like household utility bills and money etc. No how I wanted to spend my day off but never mind.

WI tonight! Super excited :) feel skiing today lol

Breakfast: no ne

Lunch: x3 ryvita (HEb) with laughing cow (hea) and pickle (2 syns and roll (HEb). We crisps (4.5 syns)

Dinner: leftover roasted veg and pasta

Will update after WI :D

Syns: 6.5 so far xx

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**
Today's a new day! Having to sort loads of things out today Like household utility bills and money etc. No how I wanted to spend my day off but never mind.

WI tonight! Super excited :) feel skiing today lol

Breakfast: no ne

Lunch: x3 ryvita (HEb) with laughing cow (hea) and pickle (2 syns and roll (HEb). We crisps (4.5 syns)

Dinner: leftover roasted veg and pasta

Will update after WI :D

Syns: 6.5 so far xx

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**

Good luck tonight hun! :vibes:
I read your post last night and i was so shocked at what a terrible time you have had. I know i dont know you but if you dont mind me saying it sounds like you are doing a very brave and wonderfully positive thing for you and your little girl. The only way is up from here :)

Gem xxx
Gem_bear said:
I read your post last night and i was so shocked at what a terrible time you have had. I know i dont know you but if you dont mind me saying it sounds like you are doing a very brave and wonderfully positive thing for you and your little girl. The only way is up from here :)

Gem xxx

Thank you gem. I finally feel better about it all today and know I'm making the right decision. My little girl is so very special and if I'm unhappy, so is she inevitably.

On the plus side, a break up does wonders for your weight! Not hungry at all!! ;) xxx

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**
WI results...... 3.5lbs off :D so very pleased with myself!! And green is the way forwRd for me :) gonna treat myself to crisps n chocolate tonight n start over tomorrow :) xxx

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**
Ali* said:

Woo hoo!! :happy096:

Hope you had a good day x

Am very happy with this weeks loss :)

Last night I did eat my leftover veg and pasta but prob had about 20 syns on grated cheese :/ and then ate a whole fruit n nut...big size! Woops! Oh well I had about 30+ syns still to use last night so writing it off n starting over :) I did eat all that intentionally as I'm gonna treat myself every Monday night after WI :)

Diary for today: green day

Lunch: x6 ryvita (HEb) x5 laughing cow (hea) mugshot and melon

Curry!! Eek
Chicken tikka pieces 7
Plain naan 18
Onion bhaji 8 syns

Total syns: 33 ... Of Frick ;'(


**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**
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Ok well I had a curry last night...oh dear and boy do I feel fat n bloated today!! I didn't even eat much either. Shan't be doing that in a hurry. Still want to stick to 70 syns this week so now only have 7 a day that I can use. Woopsie. Hope I will be ok. I'm changing WI day to Thursday morning this week :) and stopping group !

Green day



Dinner: x2 bread roll, x5 laughing cow and. Mugshot.

Snack: SW chips

Syns: hot choc x2 - 4
Pickle - 1
Mayo - 1

Syns: 6

**"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"**
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