Here for the Journey
I started Aquafit in August 2013 and WOW - what a difference it has made to me. In 2005 I had a back injury which has left me with an unstable SI joint. In January 2013 I was visiting the Chiropracter twice a week and walking like an old lady. Thinking about exercise made me wince with pain. Gradually I got to monthly visits to the Chiropracter and tentatively decided to go back to swimming. While there I encountered the aquafit class where people of all shapes sizes and conditions were doing what they could in the water and ........ the best bit...... once in the water the wobbly bits were invisible
"Why not give it a try?" I thought........
That was 13 months ago and today, although not completely pain free, I am in much less pain than I used to be and I have mobility, stability and flexibility that wouldn't even have dreamed about back in January 2013.
Aquafit uses exercises in water for cardio-vascular and core exercise. The water does two things - it lessens the impact on the joints and provides resistence to the movement, making sure the gentlest of exersise gives maximum benefit. Some of the exercises are done using dumbells which are light spongy things out of the water but get heavier once immersed in the pool. Floats and woggles (long spongy tubes) are also used as tools for resistence and for core work (tummy curls etc).
I started off with two sessions a week but that soon became three. Then I discovered that on a Monday two sessions were close together so began to do a double session.
Towards the end of last year I discovered the Deep End Aqua. This is done wearing a floatation belt and takes the form of jogging, swimming, walking etc to warm up and then circuits - 6 stations to visit in groups with particular targeted exercises in each station. It is totally manic and great fun - I am often behind the others as they are mostly much younger and fitter that me at this session but it doesn't matter.
I have now become totally hooked on Aquafit and have found sessions at other centres which are covered by my leisure centre membership. On average I manage 6-8 sessions a week (including doubles) - that's a lot of towel and swimsuit washing.
It would be interesting to see if others have tried Aquafit and their experiences. I don't do "the gym" as I lose the will to live and many of the other exercises are too high impact on my poor old joints so this is the one for me :mermaid:x
That was 13 months ago and today, although not completely pain free, I am in much less pain than I used to be and I have mobility, stability and flexibility that wouldn't even have dreamed about back in January 2013.
Aquafit uses exercises in water for cardio-vascular and core exercise. The water does two things - it lessens the impact on the joints and provides resistence to the movement, making sure the gentlest of exersise gives maximum benefit. Some of the exercises are done using dumbells which are light spongy things out of the water but get heavier once immersed in the pool. Floats and woggles (long spongy tubes) are also used as tools for resistence and for core work (tummy curls etc).
I started off with two sessions a week but that soon became three. Then I discovered that on a Monday two sessions were close together so began to do a double session.
Towards the end of last year I discovered the Deep End Aqua. This is done wearing a floatation belt and takes the form of jogging, swimming, walking etc to warm up and then circuits - 6 stations to visit in groups with particular targeted exercises in each station. It is totally manic and great fun - I am often behind the others as they are mostly much younger and fitter that me at this session but it doesn't matter.
I have now become totally hooked on Aquafit and have found sessions at other centres which are covered by my leisure centre membership. On average I manage 6-8 sessions a week (including doubles) - that's a lot of towel and swimsuit washing.
It would be interesting to see if others have tried Aquafit and their experiences. I don't do "the gym" as I lose the will to live and many of the other exercises are too high impact on my poor old joints so this is the one for me :mermaid:x