:sign0007:Hi Anne - I hope our light hearted little forray into the world of spiders hasn't offended you. Different people have different views on and experiences with spiders. This little thread was, I believe, inspired by Taz who works on the trains and found spiders abseiling SAS style towards her in her cab. The story she told was SO TAZ - and SO FUNNY. I know Taz very well and have stayed in a guest house in Cornwall with her when in the middle of the night I was awoken with an emergency phone call. Having dressed, come downstairs and entered her room I spent the next hour trying to coax Speedy, the tinyest spider ever, out from under the skirting board. I have been part of and indeed sorted out many such incidents but they do have their comedy element, both in the reaction to such a small creature and the "heroics" employed in its persuit, sometimes far more dangerous than the perceived danger from Speedy.
Please don't be offended by our humour - we are all aware of the serious side of phobia and we all realise too that Taz, a black belt in karate, is no push over and faces life with much courage and determination - a lion and mouse situation really. Please don't think we are being disrespectful or lacking in understanding x