The very fact that you want to is the first step. Next is putting that into action. I have been smoke free for 4 yrs and had to get smoking out of the way before focusing on my weight. I cant say it made me put weight on cos I was doing that already while I was smoking! (kind of another excuse not to give up)
Once you stop smoking your body is nicoteine free after only 8 hrs, that hard part is the habit... 20 years of taking a break every 15-20 minutes from whatever I was doing and having to have a cigarette before starting anything. OMG talk about time wasted!!
The key for me was to do something every time I had a craving... I played video games read a book, cooked a meal or baked a cake for the family ( gave some away to neighbours to stop me eating them!). decorated the house and got rid of all the yellow stained ceilings. I stopped watching TV unless I had hubby to sit with and talk to take my mind of the nagging desire. The other thing I did was I told everyone and started calling myself an ex smoker.
Dont wait for another day to start.....Do it NOW!!! Tell youself I am an ex smoker right now and give the fags to someone who doesnt want to quit if u cant face the money wasted. Avoid smokers for a while until u feel strong enough (co dependancy does not work with quiting addiciton) and keep reminding yourself why you want to. x
clarie wow well done i stopped smoking over 19 months go went cold turkey and i use to love a ciggie but i would never go back to it now im not against anyone else doing it just not in my home or blowing it in my face i find that so rude
clarie wow well done i stopped smoking over 19 months go went cold turkey and i use to love a ciggie but i would never go back to it now im not against anyone else doing it just not in my home or blowing it in my face i find that so rude
So how are you finding the dieting this time around as a non smoker? I found it easier to keep cravings in check.. are you experiencing the same Legomom? 1yr is awesome btw, you've really nailed it
Well done to the quitters! I'm over a year off them now myself that's why I'm on this site lol! 2 stone to lose although giving up smoking only owns one of those stones! I'm doing ww how's is everybody else finding not smoking and dieting??