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well, all in all, yesterday was very high in syns but I shouldn't have any problem using no or very few syns today, I'm at home all day and have plenty of free food options. It's strange but on the way home last night after that lovely meal I had to BATTLE with myself not to pull through the mcdonalds drive through...I was craving chicken selects and I had a good old inner tousle with myself. I knew I had blown my daily syn allowance and a huge part of me was saying 'you've blown it today anyway, why not enjoy a binge while you're at it?' and 'you've read somewhere that chicken selects are only(!) 15 syns, you can have them and make it up later in the week'. I knew I didn't want to do it and that it really wouldn't be worth it, it was touch and go all the way home (there are 3 different McD's to contend with between us, none of them on a direct route thankfully!). I mentally went through all things I could eat when I got home and finally when I thought of crackerbreads that worked....for some reason they would fulfill the chicken selects craving! Not syn free, granted, but certainly a better choice.
I think moderation is the hardest thing for me, it is way easier for me to stick rigidly to the diet...sorry...plan? than it is for me to have a little treat. I have rarely used my points for sweets/crisps for this reason....I don't want one bag of crisps or one biscuit or one chocolate bar....I want a whole carrier bag full of junky goodness.
I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend and managing to stay dry through all the torrential showers!
I think moderation is the hardest thing for me, it is way easier for me to stick rigidly to the diet...sorry...plan? than it is for me to have a little treat. I have rarely used my points for sweets/crisps for this reason....I don't want one bag of crisps or one biscuit or one chocolate bar....I want a whole carrier bag full of junky goodness.
I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend and managing to stay dry through all the torrential showers!