Atkins for life

Feeling a million times better today, my psyllium husks have kicked in so its all good thanks for asking Leanne1 ;)

Going to a rellie for dinner this eve have already given advanced warnings about what we can't eat. Hubby is on atkins aswell so at least I don't have to worry about being given a plate of pasta etc.. Looking forward to not cooking anyway :D

Really looking forward to seeing my weight loss on sat.. Yahoo!!
Hi and a belated welcome to you
Hi Jim, thanks for the welcome! :D

So the last two nights we were visiting peeps for dins.
Night no.1 went something like this..
I had given advanced warning about what we could eat so got there around 19.30 didn't eat until 20.15.. The HUGEST most MAHOOSIVE salad I have ever seen. It was all plated up so I had to eat it not to offend.
Well... There was fresh beetroot chopped up, baby tomatoes, red onion :(, sweetcorn :(, cucumber, a boiled egg, 4 SLICES OF CHEESE :(, 4 tablespoons of salmon mixed with cottage cheese, all on a bed of 4/5 lettuce leaves and then the cracker.... The dressing ORANGE JUICE :(, balsamic vinegar :(, mustard & olive oil.
It KILLED me to eat the salad if I'm being honest I know for them it was HEALTHY but for me for the whole thing I kept thinking STALL STALL STALL.... ARGH!!!

Night no2.. Not as bad as night no 1.
We had a chicken fillet marinaded in soy sauce, with stirfry veg but there was mini corn on the cob in it, shavings of carrots, a MOUNTAIN of bean sprouts and the rest was grand but again A GIANT PORTION.

So annoyed to be honest. Was having a great week. I did lose but I'm dreading the coming days if I do stall but sure I'm drinking my water so hopefully it will cancel out the sweet stuff.

Had my weigh in this morning & lost 4lbs since I started last saturday so I suppose thats good.

Onwards & Downwards... :wave_cry:
4 lbs is a great loss hun, and you will keep shedding more, you sound very focused :) They do sound like big portions!
Ah thanks so much they were massive portions I was actually still full the next afternoon after the salad LOL!! Biggest thing I've ever eaten including when I would get take sways etc. I'm laughing about it now though ;-) hehehe
Hopefully I'll get another 4lbs off this week & then 3lbs the next & I'll be in the healthy weight range woohoo & then it'll be getting myself to 135lbs over the next 2months & I will be very happy :)
Thanks for the support, hope you are doing well also x
Morning, we all have times like that love, it's difficult to go to friends and eat legally, you're doing the right thing, drink plenty of water and be super clean and green
That's good then :)
Ok so nearly one month with no sugar/refined things & I'm a very happy camper. Not missing them at all.
Have my weigh in on Saturday so hoping for at least 4lb loss.
Had visitors last night had to go out & buy coffee & milk & biscuits for them. I wasn't tempted at all to have a biscuit so happy with myself :D
Enjoying not feeling hungry these days on the path to my goal!!
Sounds good and keep going;)
How was weigh in? x
Hi there
Have tried to update this twice from my phone to no avail..
Lost 2lb this week but hadnt gone to the loo for 3 days when it came to weigh in so I'm hoping for a bigger loss next week.
Ended up with a horrible headcold on Saturday & had a triple hot whiskey this is my 3rd time being sick in the last 2 months had a double sinus infection and now this :( anyway the whiskey seems to have done the trick but **TMI ALERT** the phlegm in my stomach made me feel terribly hungry like I needed something to fill me up and not a piece of lettuce & some meat. So after a full month of no refined carbs/sugar I got hubby to get me fish & chips. I didn't feel guilty about it. I only ate about 10 chips & all the fresh cod & felt fine the next morning & plan to eat lean & green for the week. It funnily enough settled my stomach so I'm not kicking myself in the ass at all.
Have until end of august to reach my goal & I will reach it :D

Also majorly great news. DH & I are going to start TTC from next month. We were on a break for a few months due to stresses of nothing happening but my head is in it now :D

Onwards & Downwards everyone xx
Morning :) what's TTC then. OH got it. penny dropped, have fun
Great to hear everything going well. Good luck:D