I know that sounds mad but it is true to a degree what the nurse said. Like when you crave certain foods when pregnant its generally cos you are missing something (not sweet stuff generally though sorry haha) I craved oranges with Millie which I presume was a need for vit C. I also craved salt sometimes too. And you hear about people craving coal I think thats cos they are low on iron which is common in pregnancy. Honestly I would go for pleanty of fruit and veg and meat/fish. Probably no bread cos it will bloat you. Porridge for brekkie and that should be fine hun. Don't worry too much and don't read scary thing about being pregnant what will be will be. I have 4 kids and had 3 (2 are twins) very different pregnancies all with different problems to one degree or another but I have 4 very gorgeous and healthy kids. Just try and enjoy being pregnant cos I wished the first two pregnancies away cos I was so desperate for the babies to arrive. 40 weeks is really not long just enjoy all attention cos as soon as they arrive they get it all haha
Good Luck hun