Attention VLCDieters!! Perfectly Clear £1 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!!!

I've just come back from doing some xmas shopping in town and I bought strawberry flavoured still water from superdrug (their own brand) 500ml, can't remember how much it costs, sorry, but it was the only one I could find with malic acid and no citric acid.
Has anyone found after drinking the strawberry & Kiwi perfectly clear water that they have put on weight or had a slow loss that week?

I bought 4 bottles of it last night, drank one and half of them, and this morning I weighed 1.5lb heavier than yesterday morning!!
the last time I put on weight during the week I had been drinking loads of this too,

So I will not be drinking it anymore not worth the risk.
I am fortunate that it hasn't (apparantly) made any difference to me, but I guess that if I stop drinking it for a week I would really be able to tell). I was advised that it might not work for me, but thankfully it has. Sorry it's not so great for you :( I do drink it alongside a pint of water - not sure if that makes a difference or not..
My DH did mutter a bit about the whole fruit acid thing, saying that as the acid was netralised it would create hydrocarbons, and that there would be no practical difference between citric and malic acid in this respect. But I don't know, I didn't do organic chemistry at advanced level.
I'm never sure about being able to blame one thing for lack of weight loss, after all we know how low calorie this diet thing is, even if we were taking in an extra 100 calories a day it would still only make 1/5th lb difference at weigh in.
I actually like water and I think the consumption of unadulterated water is a good habit to get into on this diet - this is a personal opinion though. I'm into 'life-change' rather than 'life-substitute'. So a question I've been meaning to ask:

Does your consumption of Perfectly Clear et al go toward your daily water consumption or do you percieve it as you would tea/coffee and take it as an added extra?


All liquids are part of the water intake, the Cambridge booklet specifically includes black tea and coffee as part of your water. I know some people on the forum say differently but I can't imagine Cambridge would say it if they didn't mean it.
All liquids are part of the water intake, the Cambridge booklet specifically includes black tea and coffee as part of your water. I know some people on the forum say differently but I can't imagine Cambridge would say it if they didn't mean it.
I always advice my customers that tea and coffee is not part of their water intake. Imagine if people were drinking 4 pints of tea and coffee a day? I know that sounds a bit extreme but I always advise the 4 pints to be purely water
Sorry Pip but as I said I can't imagine Cambridge would say it if they didn't mean it. No-one is suggesting that the liquid should be only coffee! I sometimes worry on this site that people are drinking far too much water, it isn't safe or natural to try and drink 10 litres a day.
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you did, but I read other posts about people drinking vast amounts and it worries me. I quite see your point that just coffee or tea would be bad, but as part of your intake it is no problem surely.
I think the wording from the previous book was quite ambiguous. The more recent book is much clearer and says that tea, coffee etc can be included.

If I was a CDC I would say drink a minimum of 2.25L of water and if you really can't do that, you can include coffee, tea etc to make it up, but moderation in all things:eek:

I personally wouldn't add PC as a part of the makeup. I can't imagine more that one glass a day being any good for us in the grand scheme of things and since there is a limit on the CD water flavourings, I would imagine there would be a limit on PC.

But then I'm not a CDC

I totally agree with Karion she is spot on with her advice, even if not a CDC:p

The new SS booklet is very clear and if anyone would like a scanned copy of the page relating to this subject please email me. I would scan it and post it on here but don't know how to:eek:

There is a new SS booklet out which is far less ambiguous.

Personally I advise 4 pints of water - 2.25 litres a day and tea and coffee in addition. However, if the client cannot manage this then tea and coffee as part of the fluid amount can be included.

The only other liquid I recommend is the CD waterflavourings. I never ever recommend diet coke, perfectly clear, zero coke etc etc as it has on many occasions affected ketosis and weight loss. I know some can get away with it but would the losses have been better without out it? Thats an unknown thing.

So unless someone can let me know how to paste the scanned paged in please email me on [email protected] for a copy.

Hi Ya

I actually only use perfectly clear to dilute the water sometimes. But certainly not all the time. If water flavourings are limited per day then it stands to reason that we should be sensible about perfectly clear intake as well. My CDC has refused to order me water flavourings, so Perfectly clear is my only luxery.
Hi Ya

I actually only use perfectly clear to dilute the water sometimes. But certainly not all the time. If water flavourings are limited per day then it stands to reason that we should be sensible about perfectly clear intake as well. My CDC has refused to order me water flavourings, so Perfectly clear is my only luxery.
Your CDC shouldn't refuse to order the water flavourings!
Your CDC shouldn't refuse to order the water flavourings!

Absolutely right, your CDC is not behaving well. I'm sure someone will come and correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the supplementary products like the flavourings can be sold by people other than CDCs. Anyway, you can get them on ebay: 2 CAMBRIDGE DIET WATER FLAVOURINGS **FREE P & P** (item 290055290897 end time 29-Nov-06 13:02:52 GMT)
My CDC sells them for £6.50 each, I don't know how this compares generally (they do go quite a long way).