Gold Member
@pAmela - what detox is this? details please
@pAmela - what detox is this? details please
Detox is just the natural body process of getting out positive charges that the body doesn't want (metabolic waste, toxins, parasites) The body needs plenty of negative charges to neutralize these poisons to release them from the body. They come from anti-oxidants and minerals, which come from raw plants. This is the one thing all diets have in common, they help the body detox.
I just wrote about this in the general forum. And you can see my video in my signature. It's so important to understand this basic fact of health![]()
As a vegan I find I 'detox' very wellDrink lots of water, and watch your fiber intake to help you clear out.
For toxins a really good one is to drink Green clay in the morning (google it, the best stuff is from south of france - although you won't find it for consumption in the UK any more due to the Codex Alimentarus, again google it if your not aware!) Clay helps to 'bind' toxins as it works through your system and excretes it through your urine. Some people don't believe it, but I drank it for 6 months (1 week on, 1 week off) and was full of energy, woke up good in the mornings, clear skin etc. Now its a pig to get hold of decent stuff and it costs a lot, but I really felt the difference. As someone who has to take a lot of medication I worry about crap sitting about in my body, it didn't seem to effect my meds but i used to take them an hour or so after the clay so they had all day to enter the bloodstream.
Check out the Alkaline diet too if you're interested - I don't subscribe to it 100% but I do beleive it to an extent and try to work towards a more alkaline based diet.
I love clay too. I use green clay to wash my face (my skin is really sensitive). I drink it as wellThe thing that worries me about it is, I've read that if you take a clay bath, it can plug up your plumbing, Do you think it may sit around in your colon?
I've lost over 3.5 stone, going from obese to healthy and I still can't get a dog to bark at me never mind a fella. It's horrible as I thought losing weight would hopefully make me more attractive. Guess ill find someone eventually ...I hope haha!
It took me a long time to accept that on the whole most people are shallow. I know there are men out there that prefer larger women and find them more attractive than slimmer women, unfortunately as much as I would have loved to meet a guy like that when I was younger I didn't. Most of the men I know are lovely, but that doesn't mean they find large or larger women attractive, they would never be so rude as to come out and say it (most people wouldn't) but its obvious from their dating history or the sort of offhand comments I often hear them making amongst themselves.
My own personal experience as a large woman is that until I lost a significant amount of weight in my 20's I was pretty much invisible to the opposite sex. I am not saying its right and in a perfect world my mid 20's self would have been inundated with offers because I was outgoing, fun, kind, funny. I may have been big but I took care to be perfectly groomed, weekly manicures and pedicures, great cut and colour at expensive salons and nice clothes, I couldn't afford to pick up something in primark and go out with bedhead hair like my mates because being larger than average I just looked sloppy and not effortlessly casual like my friends. Men liked being my friend, apparently I was easy to talk to and they could have a laugh with me but they still chose to ask my mates out on dates.
It wasn't until I started a vlcd and lost a significant amount of weight that I finally accepted that a lot of people are shallow and that it didn't matter how perfect my nails or glossy my hair and how perfect my makeup was, they just couldn't see past the fat. When I lost the weight, the same blokes that wanted to be my mates wanted to date me, I'm no great beauty by any stretch of the imagination but all of a sudden you'd think I had morphed into supermodel with the amount of attention I got. This should have made me happy, but it didn't, I felt sad for the old me who used to try so hard to get the very same people to notice her that were now knocking on my door or texting me and also v angry that I lived in a society where I was invisible as a woman unless I looked a certain way. It really messed with my head for a long time.
Now, in my 30's and 2 children and relationship with a lovely man later, I am trying to lose weight so I can stay fit and healthy for my children, so that I can still run around after them without getting out of breath or having to sit out. My husband loves me regardless of my weight, but does he fancy me more when I am slimmer, most definitely.