Allimack - Target 10 hours - Achieved 10hrs
Mrsrugball - Target 15 hours - Achieved
ShySarah - Target 5 hours/1hr a week - Achieved
Danni86 - Target 8 hours - Achieved 45 Mins
Sjp13 - Target 20 hours - Achieved
Faye C - Target 10 hours - Achieved
Artemys - Target 20 hours - Achieved 17hrs 30mins

Well the 1hr walk I did yesterday brings me up 2 my revised target of 10hrs 4 the month. I'l set up the September thread 2moro n post the wee link on here. I'm not sure wat 2 set my Sept target 4 since I'm still not meant 2 b doin 2 much cos of my C-section but I can ponder over than between now n 2moro! lol! I had intended 2 get another walk in 2day but it's not lookin likely now tbh - had a ruff nite wif Sam as he didn't sleep a wink! :(
thanks! i've posted :)