Have been away without a pc - how is everyone???
Hi everyone,
How are you all? I'm Emma, I moved to Sydney about 4 months ago now and am loving it so far!! I have previously done SW back in the UK and had good losses. I was struggling to find the inspiration to stay on the wagon when I first arrived here but it seems to have suddenly arrived (although not sure that the week before Christmas is the best time for inspiration to hit!!).
Anyway, I'm going to call it damage limitation for this week and next, take a day or 2 off for Christmas and New Year and then get really stuck in from January!
I've been lurking around on the forums for a while now and recently found this thread - so much great info on here, especially as the foods here can be quite different from the UK - and I can't believe the price of yoghurt!! (I've just been to Big W to buy an Easiyo yoghurt maker to try and cut costs a little!).
I used to find the SW groups a real support at home so I'm thinking about starting an online food diary to keep myself on track, does anyone else do this? Does it help?
Hi guys
Thanks both for your messages. I'm settling really well here so far, enjoying the new job and the lifestyle (not sure about the weather yet, it's rained a lot in Sydney over the past few weeks so we're hoping for an improvement this weekend!) and I must say that it's the thought of being in a bikini over the summer that's really spurring me on at the moment!! Where are you both based?
It sounds like you're both doing really well with the losses. I don't tend to lose big amounts quickly which can be a bit frustrating, I call it a big loss if I lose 2lb!! But at least I know this now so I don't expect big losses! (It's surprising just how quickly it manages to go back on though!)
Good idea with the yoghurt Jen, I hadn't thought of mixing them. I have been buying the big Forme tubs and the Tamara Valley stuff but I go through so much!! I made the Easiyo stuff last night (the maker was only $18 from Big W and I've read that you can then make it with the skim longlife milk and a couple of spoons of your last batch of yoghurt so might be trying this next!) I tried it on my cereal this morning and it was yummy!
I might look into the online membership next year, I shipped all of my old SW books over here so I have plenty of stuff to refer to at the moment. I really miss the magazines though, I've got a big recipe folder stuffed with pages torn out of them! I think if you get the most expensive online membership they'll send the magazines too, need to figure out whether it'll be worth it or if I can talk my Mum into sending the mag out here now and again for me! I'll check out the FB group Jen, thanks for the suggestion and Honeyoc like you I'll be refering back to this website whenever I can for more hints and tips, any other tips for food shopping over here greatly appreciated!!
Hey Jen
Thanks so much for all that info!! I didn't realize you could get the magazine as an app, it's now downloaded onto my iPhone and been read from cover to cover! I love the recipe section, always inspires me!!
I read on here that the aldi corale beans are free, is this right?? I am finding that aldi is a bit cheaper than the other supermarkets here and you're so right, you really need to shop around here instead of buying everything in the one shop.
Have you found any wholemeal pittas here that count as a hex B? I was thinking of using one of the threads here to ask someone in the uk to give me the nutritional info so that I could check the brands here.
I've got your email address now if you want to edit your post, I'll look you up later this evening!
Emma x
jen1977ni said:3 syns per tin of beans, so I rarely bother now. I'm only a few pounds off target so might start eating them again once I'm in maintenance mode lol