Hiya sorry for delay. I lost 1.5lb. Happy with that.
Taking me to 10.10 getting there
Will catch up later. X
And finally got my 3 and half stone award. So lost altogether 3 stone 8lb
So wish I hadn't eaten so mixh salt and pepper bread with butter last night/yesterday. Don't know what it was but my daughter said something last night. That just clicked.... if I have a day night off ots going to take longer to loss it.. when im so close.
I know this but hearing her say it. Ive had my last day/night off. . Its stupid really cause it cocks the rest of the week up.
14lba to go wow! What an achievementhow is your day going? Had my manager/friend texting me this morning work is nuts at the moment! I've changed energy supplier and got 5.50 knocked off my sky bill for a year as I was going to change for phone and broadband, just had a pay rise and increase in personal allowance should make me a bit better off so going to try and save more I think and get my pension sorted again! Dull I know but important