Autumnbabe's diary. Getting there.!!

Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Yes puppet with philli lightest as my he/a, tbh it was quick on I didn't really think to long about it.! Oh well today is another day :)
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

So breakfast today
3 rivita sweet onion (he/b)
2 philli lightest (he/a)
Loads of melon and grapes
Cereal bar (3)
Sw crisps (hub is having pringles :eek:)
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Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Ah that's so sweet Leah !!

Everyone seems to be quiet today. Once 6 o clock comes we will have to house to ourselves until 6 tomo night when step d comes back.!

So I'm feeling a bit fed up. I would like to go out for something to eat tonight. But really want to get to 12.7 as soon as.! So I have had a tin of mushy peas and a mug shot. Whoop whoop. Feeling Fed up:(
I feel fed up just been to meadowhall and theres so much nice food but come home and had a salad ive bought some scan bran and its vile lol ill still try and force myself to eat it lol. Well done luv for been so determined its so hard sometimes especially if you could go for a meal.
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Aww 2 fed up slimmers and on a Saturday tut tut, go out just make some fab choices food wise or take a stroll to a pub n just have a few vodkas n stroll back lol, I'd love a kitten but we have a crazy cocker spaniel who thinks she rules the roost x
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

I'm ok now we popped out. Then popped in to have coffee with friends. So we are just cooking tea together now. (house to ourselves now as step d has gone out. Normally she spends all her time in her room, today she was following us around, think this didn't help my mood. Lol)
Anyway steak for tea with Brussels, brocelli, sweetcorn and peas. Sw chips and peppercorn sauce (2.5)
So when that's gone down going to have some nice husband and wife time ;)
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Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Apparently its the best kind of body magic lol have a lovely evening x
Morning hope you and the oh half had a lovely night i didnt do so well last night definately gone way over my syns for this week damn it but mistakes happen and ill be extra good next week and not expect too much on this weigh in now xx
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Don't worry Leah. I think you maybe surprised if you add it all up you may of only gone over a little. When we went out the other week I'm not sure if I had gone over a little or I was just under but I had a sts don't worry to much.
Can't remember when is your weigh day ? Is it Tuesday
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

And yes had a lovely evening. Noone saying mum can you do this or dad can you help me with that. We are still children free till around 6. But we are popping out in a while. Catch up later
Hah this cheeky thread made me smile! I want some of that good body magic, sigh... I too had Saturday mopes and ate a kilo of yogurt lol! Pretended it was ice-cream ... Still only 4 syns tho!

Hope you have a lovely Sunday x
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Thanks puppet. Sat in bed drinking coffee Mr just brought me up lol. Lovely start to Sunday !

And well done you. About the yog. My husband sat and ate Pringles yesterday how mean is that.!!
lol @ kilo of yoghurt there be no bugs floating round you this week puppet,. Mum-free sounds like a huge treat right now my lil un is an angel in a routine this last week Ive wanted to gag him I am not one for wishing time away but god please make sept come a lil faster lol... Have a fab day out enjoy xx
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

3 sweet onion rivitas he/b
2 philli lightest he/a

Omelette with 3 eggs, tomatos,ham,chicken and mushroom.
Mug shot and cereal bar(3)
For tea. Tandorri chicken and salad.

My girls have gone to x factor boot camp today in London with their dad and his wife and one of the older kids they foster. I bet they are having a blast. !!!