Autumnbabe's diary. Getting there.!!

Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Lol. Your right Lucy the weekend was lol. I/we just hold on for ride.!
I was just saying mango is so nice but you don't get a great deal of it because the stone is so big.
I have salmon planned for tea. With new potatos and salad. !
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Just poping in to say hi you are doing really well Heather keep up the good work hun Xx
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

So this is tea
Only syns I had up to now is the dressing (1.5) will have something syn full later lol


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Autumnbabe, new starter

Hope you've had a good day!!

Just popped on to let you know I lost 5 pounds at weigh in tonight :) very happy!!
Autumnbabe, new starter

Tea looks yummy as usual!
Well done Amber that's a fab loss!

Sent from my iPhone
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

It is salmon. I did over cook it because I like it crispy and I put chilli flakes on it too! It was really nice.!
Not sure what to have today. Going to try and stay away from carbs with it being weigh in tomo. Think this slows me up sometimes (I love carbs lol)
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

I mean all carbs I love bread. Potatos all that stuff. I find pasta makes me even feel heavy, although I'm ok with mug shots.
But bread and potatos are my worse. But since being on sw I have hardly touched it.
I know carbs are in a lot of stuff. Even red onion it is high :eek:
I did Atkins last year so found out about carbs.
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Well Atkins worked but I just couldn't get my head around that it was ok to eat high fat so I stopped once I got to where I wanted to be for our wedding.
And on Atkins you can't have fruit. Its very restricted.!
That's why I love sw
Not sure what to do for tea yet.! Maybe tandorri chicken and salad not sure. !
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Any ideas what I can do with a nice cauliflower a saddish looking brocollli and lots of other veg l done mass overload on veg this week tis all I've eaten since Saturday lol seems those pouches are more for meat ?
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Not sure Karen. You could do with making a cassorole and put some meat in with all the veg.!
Other than cook it and freeze it?
Not sure to be honest.!
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

So lunch up to now
Melon.(all of it) Grapes (most of them) and alpen light bar (3) babybel light (2) extra lightest mayo (1) and 2 mug shots
Salad and tandorri chicken. 6 syns up to now.!
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