There are nice guys out there my current partner is one of them and to be honest my ex was a nice guy he did end up leaving me for someone else but that was just one of those things it doesn't make him a bad person for liking someone else at least he didn't cheat on me. It is hard to trust and I think as long as you are happy and have fun but still know to be honest anything can happen my boyfriend could leave me I know that or I could leave him you never know!
Just concentrate on you and find some happiness
Completely agree with babybelle here.. There are decent lads out there.. Thankfuly after kissing many frogs I've found my prince but had you told me when Kevin and I finished that I'd find happiness again I'd have laughed right in your face..
At them moment you feel no-one will want you. Love you. Fancy you.
Its true that love finds you when you're not looking..
For the moment tho I dont think you should even think about anyone else ever wanting you.
For now try to learn to get well, learn to love yourself and then the rest will fall into place.. Listen to your Mam. You need some time to clear you're head and get yourself in the right frame of mind..
I think its great advice there to look for a new job while you have this time off.. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.. You're not happy there anyway so something new will be great.. Hopefully more money

And you may never have to look at his mug again.. Perfect!!
I'm sure it comes across that he's not affected and it makes it hurt a million times worse. Him looking like he doesn't have a care in the world while you feel you world have fallen down around you.. I'm sure its not the case tho.. Men are just very good at hiding their feelings..
Try get out and about as much as you can.. even if its just to browse the shops.. Dont give yourself time to sit in and let yer mind wander.. that's the worst thing you can do..
Hope you feel better soon xxxxxxx