Gold Member
Thanks Carly, Frances, Heather x
Hmm I dunno about the counsellor, I'm still unsure whether it'll help or not. I have another appt. but I'm not 100% about whether it's "for me". I seem to be paying to moan at someone which I don't think is much good.
I do sometimes think "what the heck was I with him for anyway" then other times I remember the snuggles and laughs and feel very sad. I feel very lonely even when I'm not alone... Dunno if that makes sense?
I've googled it too, no luck!
I honestly think I would do it if it was possible...
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Dubchick81 said:Good luck for today hunnie.. Let us know how you get on.. And don't forget.. if you dont feel 100% comfortable witht he councillor today, you can try another.. xx
As for Sean.. Its still very early so still raw.. But I promise you will wake up and think "WTF was I thinking wasting so much time n energy on him?!"
Hmm I dunno about the counsellor, I'm still unsure whether it'll help or not. I have another appt. but I'm not 100% about whether it's "for me". I seem to be paying to moan at someone which I don't think is much good.
I do sometimes think "what the heck was I with him for anyway" then other times I remember the snuggles and laughs and feel very sad. I feel very lonely even when I'm not alone... Dunno if that makes sense?
x_Champagne_Supernova_x said:How sad is it that i once googled that to see if it was anyway possible!!
I've googled it too, no luck!
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