slow but steady!
Well done you on getting out a run and I love cherry blossoms could watch them all day got one tattooed on my back
Yeah it's nice to be asked but I want to be single and don't need the mess of a relationship right now. Need to be alone I think!
5k run was good but my foot hurts again today.. When will it be right again!!?
Had an ok WW day, had a few treats that I shouldn't have but not too much!
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Thank you!! Yes... I tried to explain that when I'm very sad I sometimes eat. And eat a lot. And I mean a LOT. Proper binging. I'm trying to not do it, I need to busy myself with other things!
Lol... I can't get rid of the "burden" feeling and find it hard to approach people. I feel bad going to my friggin therapist even though I pay her lol! I think being brushed off by people a couple of times made me feel like I can't talk to anyone. When you're shushed enough times, you just learn to stay shushed.
Thanks hon, you've been a great help xxx
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And if you're ever gonna get a tattoo definitely be certain you want it. I got mine on a whim and regretting it now!
Me too.. Well I knew I wanted the tattoo.. But didn't know what I wanted.. But when I went to make the appointment n they said they'd do it there n then if I wanted I made a rush decision...![]()
Yup exact same here!! Now im trying to build onto it 'cos its just annoying me!!
x_Champagne_Supernova_x said:No bothers!
Gawd havent been on here in a while. I went through a stage where i'd lock myself in my room all day and order loads of takeaways and multipacks of sweets. That was after my semi-alcoholism (I went out constantly in hope i'd feel wanted - backfired by the way) which was around the same time. I was repulsive! I love that you're staying on track and not being stupid like i was.
And seriously dont worry about the burden thing - you're not!! Some people actually WILL listen. The ones who don't aren't worth the air you breathe.
Though saying that, i was the same with my therapist!
Also well done on turning down the date - you're doing the right thing!! And if you're ever gonna get a tattoo definitely be certain you want it. I got mine on a whim and regretting it now!
Yeah... Umm... Apart from the last couple days this whole week has been a disaster of locking myself in my room a LOT. I am trying though my Dad thinks I just need to "exercise more" and Mum reckons I need to stop feeling sorry for myself! I feel like pulling my hair out sometimes hehe
Luckily I haven't turned to alcohol... Yet. Though it has crossed my mind if I'm honest. I'm like a bloody hermit though... Afraid to go out because the judgement and rejection. I sound like a paranoid weirdo hahaha!!
Yeah, I just don't think me and him would click anyway. I find it hard to say no to people but need to learn!
The diet is... Ok. I need to try harder though lol!
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Thanks ladies. It probably seems a lot like feeling sorry for myself to other people. But it's more like hating myself and thinking I deserve to be unhappy. This whole "how do you think I feel" speech from my Dad is getting really old.
I was doing ok with exercise until I hurt myself and them I got really annoyed and fed up. My foot still hurts after running so gonna see if I can get a support today!
You're all very kind, I wish the people in my day to say life were as understanding and empatheticx
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