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Enjoy the hol
Well done chic that's excellent.. Just in time for hols too.. DeadlyHi lovely - no worries. I'm AWOL quite a bit too these days. Things are okay-ish. Still AT work which has to be good lol? Never heard back from the other job so guess I didn't do a good interview lol. Sean is alright, keeping his distance mostly - we've had a few chats. He was fairly upset the other day because he got an email about checking in online for his flight to Malta (my sisters wedding next week which he won't be attending now obviously).
How are things with you? New house all decorated and furnished? How's life in general!?
WI was alright actually - lost a pound so I'm 10st 8 and a quarter lol. Gonna be putting on a bit over the next week what with the hols and everything so who knows what weight I'll be when I return!! Least I got close to goal before I went (that measly quarter away). How's you? xx
azwethinkweiz said:Yep Frances, just in time for hols to put back on a few pounds lol. The holiday began early at the weekend with a lot of BBQ food and cupcakes and such. Eek!! Now I remember how I put these 50lbs on in the first placeGoes to show how easy it'd be for me to slip into my wicked ways again. Gotta be strict when I get back from Malta next week - wanna get to around 10st 3 for Christmas
Dubchick81 said:Ah it's as easy for us all chic. U'll b grand once yer back. The thing is now we can only put up with it for a short while til we realise how crap it makes us feel so we don't keep going on ignoring. Cuz we kno how hard it is to get off
azwethinkweiz said:I hope so. I've been comfort eating way too much. My sister is constantly on the phone. She wants us to try and fit her mass booklets into our luggage somehow and we're already squished here because of ryanairs strict policies. Hardly room for anything!
Now she's whinging about peoples gifts and that our family on our side aren't giving her enough money in cards? I can't believe how rude she's being (Her future husbands family are very well off and we're very not unfortunately...).
And now she wants my anti anxiety medication because apparently she needs it more. Sigh... I can't take much more of this stress, I really can't.
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Dubchick81 said:Ok so if she needs anti anxiety meds, she needs to hi get her own n she needs to stop being a bridezilla!! Omg doesn she realise the expense ages putting people to already by getting married abroad?? She forfeits any rights to gifts!!! Tell her no probs ya'll take the invites but she'll hafta pay the extra baggage charge... She'll soon change her tune...
azwethinkweiz said:She doesn't seem to understand the expense of going abroad thing. She thinks people are "getting a holiday out of it" and they're getting "a free dinner at the wedding & bbq the next day". She expects at least 300 quid from couples, 150 if time on your own. *****ed about every gift so far saying that people should know they only want money and not "junk"? It's very hard to listen to without wanting to tell her off for being so rude and ungrateful.
Sorted out the best man is taking the booklets, he must have no luggage at all lol!! X
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Dubchick81 said:I'd hav snapped by now. Fair play for holding ur tongue. Duno how u do it. X
I'd say so.. Ha.. Not long to wait til its all over tho.. Deep breaths.. lolI am ready to snap, trust me. Driving me bonkers! X
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Dubchick81 said:I'd say so.. Ha.. Not long to wait til its all over tho.. Deep breaths.. lol
When do you fly out? Today? x
I'm heeeeereknackered from traveling! X
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