Gold Member
I'm ok. Have spent the last two days in bed. Don't think anyone has noticed lol. X
Oh i'm jealous!!! lolI'm ok. Have spent the last two days in bed. Don't think anyone has noticed lol. X
Oh i'm jealous!!! lol
You ok tho? xx
Soooo I seem to have found myself homeless. Never thought I'd say that. Had my Mum ranting and raving at me non stop for a half hour simply because I've been having a rough couple days and she's apparently sick of me. All this out of nowhere, I never said a word to her - she just walked into my room and started shouting her mouth off. Said I'm not trying hard enough to be better and that I need to just stop being this way now. She was like "its been 6 months enough is enough" as if I have some switch I can flick?
So I packed a bag and walked out. She's my mother and I'm her child. But I'm also an adult... I'm 26 years old and I won't be spoken to like I'm a child with no respect at all.
In a hotel right now. No bloody idea where I'm going tomorrow or the next day or the next day.
I did end up going back home Tracy but we had another big row today. My therapist says I should maybe go into hospital for a while as I'm feeling so low again and being at home seems to make it worse. So we'll see. If I'm very very quiet on here and FB it means I'm in hospital (not allowed phones or any electronics in there)