ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Dubchick81 said:
No idea hun.. Ask Carly as she has the eating out book..

Sounds delish tho :eek:)

Lol I ate WAY too much. Very naughty. Oops...

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Right as far as I can tell in my EOG


Special fried rice-23
Egg fried rice-16
But no chicken fried rice.

Prawn crackers-9 for average portion

Doesn't give pro points for the chips or sauce tho.

A veg curry however is 8pp's

Sorry I can't be more help:(

Right as far as I can tell in my EOG


Special fried rice-23
Egg fried rice-16
But no chicken fried rice.

Prawn crackers-9 for average portion

Doesn't give pro points for the chips or sauce tho.

A veg curry however is 8pp's

Sorry I can't be more help:(

But don't forget PP's given in the books are based on an average restaurant portion, not take away portion.....
Ok well I had a "kids" chicken fried rice (which is half a portion of the regular one) so would that be around a restaurant portion? Might be. It was literally 2 spoons of curry sauce so I said maybe 2pp per tbsp. And 6 or 7 chips/prawn crackers. I'm thinking maybe I should put 50pp down for it cuz I'm unsure. I know special fried rice has a lot more meat in it but I will take 23pp as my base pp value anyways.
Ok well I had a "kids" chicken fried rice (which is half a portion of the regular one) so would that be around a restaurant portion? Might be. It was literally 2 spoons of curry sauce so I said maybe 2pp per tbsp. And 6 or 7 chips/prawn crackers. I'm thinking maybe I should put 50pp down for it cuz I'm unsure. I know special fried rice has a lot more meat in it but I will take 23pp as my base pp value anyways.
OK all I know is half a silver tray of fried rice is 12pp.. So another 3 for the chicken?? If even 3 but just to cover it.. So I'd give 15pp for the chicken fried rice..
12 r 14 for 200g chipper chips, so 6 r 7 for yer couple of chips?? Again, if even...
OK.. Been checking a few calorie sites.. The average PP's for a plate of chicken fried rice in a chinese is coming up as 15pp...
50ml chinese take away curry sauce is 36cals so 1pp..
I'd say mayb 2 for the prawn crackers n 6 r 7 for the couple of chips.. Any help?? Or just more confusion?? lol xx
Ok. I'm not sure at all at all but I'll stick in 45pp for the lot!! That should cover it I hope. I'm trying to be good this week any way and as it stands I have 17 weeklies left (I had 13 dailies left when I had the chinese). Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things this week and stop arsing around. It was lovely having a blow out at the weekend though! Just hoping to at least go down a lb this week to leave me at 11st before the holiday! :)
Thats a great help actually hon!! You're so kind going checking up stuff for me... I really appreciate it girls... What would I do without ye!?!? xXx
Same as we'd do without you chicken.. :D
That site is great.. You can find almost anything on it.. And there's usually a few values for the likes of take aways n thing, so you can get an average PP's allowance n take that.. (i'm such a nerd I put them in an exel spreadsheet and get the average on there hee hee)
NERD!! (I love nerdiness by the way, I am a bit nerdy myself ;) )

Must bookmark that site and check there from now on when I'm not sure of something, thanks for the tip lovely!! :D xx
NERD!! (I love nerdiness by the way, I am a bit nerdy myself ;) )

Must bookmark that site and check there from now on when I'm not sure of something, thanks for the tip lovely!! :D xx
No probs at all at all :)
porterg1 said:
Worth it tho eh! X

Heehee. It was really delicious! So I'm happy enough. Gonna be good the rest of the week. Had cereal for brekkie and soup with bagel for lunch so going good so far!

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Todays diary

Milk allow. -2pp

Coco shreddies -4pp

Breaksize square -2pp

WW tomato soup -2pp
WW Bagel -4pp

Dairylea ritz dunker -3pp

2 WW pitta pizzas - 9pp

Toffee popcorn -3pp
Choccie -3pp

So that's 32pp. 29 dailies and 3 weeklies used. 19 weeklies left. An ok day I spose. X

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