B_44s food diary

I know, totally their fault and not mine lol.

Very naughty day today. We had tickets to go and see Micky Flanagan at the 02 and had days off work but it got postponed as his mum died. Still had day off tho and omg I feel like all I've done is eat! Cannot wait to get back on plan tomorrow, so bloated and full up!

Today's menu:

Scrambled egg made with milk and bitter on a wholemeal roll - 10 syns
Tesco muffin - 15 syns
M&s chicken and stuffing sandwhich - 20 syns
M&s mousse - 6 syns
Nandos and had double chicken burger (20) chips (20?) and coleslaw (15?) - 55
About 100 litres coke! - 40
Too much cheesecake that I'm actually ashamed of lol - 100 at least I reckon
Cream -20

Syns: 261!!

I'm ok about this because I know that sw is a plan for life and that's it's ok to go off plan now and then as I know I can get straight back on it. But I'm a bit annoyed/dissapointed - I can honestly say I did not enjoy any of it. I love the thought of eating naughty things but when it comes to it I just don't. For example My idea of a perfect evening is going out to a restaurant and eating a really naughty burger and chips with cheesecake for pudding, or sat watching rubbish tv with lots of crisps, choc etc bit when I actually do it, I don't enjoy it, it's more the thought of it really that I like. I associate food with happiness I think and I need to work on that!

God I sound a bit dramatic lol x
I knos exactly what you mean! I also find that when I eat naughty food I often eat very quickly & for some reason that makes me shove it down my gob as fast as possible! Not sure why I do this, as if I ate slowly & savoured tbe naughtiness I'd defo enjoy it more, & may even be satisfied with less (tho that might be wishful thinking, lol)

Great attitude tho hun, to just put behind you & get straight back on it. Pat on the back me thinks.

I know exactly where your coming from. When I 'binge', as I term it, I don't enjoy it at all. I eat the foods that used to make me happy and when I don't get satisfaction, I increase the quantity and keep eating, hoping to feel the same happiness I used to feel.
Never happens.

Back to plan tomorrow hun. You recognise that you don't enjoy it and your positivity and practicality that the plan is a lifestyle change is exactly right.
I'm the same.
First of all don't worry about it, it was a day off plan that's all :)
I'm ok when I eat out because I see it as a treat and enjoy every mouthful. It's when I do mindless eating at home, and literally cram everything I can lay my hands on in my mouth, that drives me mad. I'll never understand why we continue to eat when we're full or not enjoying it, it really is crazy.
Hope you're back on the wagon today!
Thanks everyone, you're all so supportive and I'm glad people understand.

Food is such a powerful thing. People say that losing weight is easy I.e 'just eat less' etc and it just isn't that easy. Food has so much control over a lot of us and its really hard to draw that line and to control the food rather than the other way round and letting it control us. It's hard work!

It's so hard to understand why we do carry on eating when we don't like it, or are uncomfortably full etc - it's a very strange thing. I reckon it would be interesting to be a psychologist who works in disordered eating, looking into why people do this.

But, like I said, line drawn and I'm totally on plan today and loving it! I'm super excited about slimming world and am doing red days until Monday in the hope I can manage a small gain or a maintain. :) x
Red day bit I suppose it could be classed as success express - I refuse to syn Sweetcorn lol

Lunch: subway salad with cheese Sweetcorn, jalapeños lettuce and chicken, 2 syns for sauce and healthy a cheese

Dinner: Linda McCartney rosemary sausages with swede mash and Brussels sprouts

Extras: costa latte (healthy a), Special K chewy delight bar and ryvita minis (healthy b's), galaxy honeycomb (11 syns)

Syns: 13
Thanks, it does feel good to be back on track!

I'm hoping to get some Christmas shopping done this weekend! I love Christmas shopping and I like to buy bits and bobs at a time rather than doing it all in one go. It will feel odd tho doing Xmas shopping as its still quite warm/muggy here (not sunny tho).

What about you, what will you be up to? Weekends go too quick I think! X
We can't make our minds up what to do, we've just had breakfast and are still in our pj's!!
It's muggy here too, but dull and drizzly. Good idea to do Christmas shopping that way, it's more fun and less stressful! Do you have a lot to get?
Enjoy, it'll be Monday before we know it :D
Hi guys :) went Christmas shopping but it's a bit rubbish in the shops at the moment I think, I couldn't find anything for anyone really! Which is a shame as I was excited to get stuff lol. I don't really have many people to buy for - OH, immediate family (mum, dad, brother, bobby the cat and Marvin the hamster), we do a secret Santa among our friends and at work too so not many really. If I had an unlimited bank balance I think I'd but for everyone I know, I love shopping. Do you have many to buy for?x

Hi Sian! I'm very well thankyou, how are you doing? Are you on half term now or was yours last week? It does feel nice to be back on track food wise, I felt so bloated and full up on Thursday! You've done so well tho so don't be down about it - you know you can get back on track and you've done so well, so think positive :) x
I did extra easy today. Tried the sw KFC chicken for dinner, it was nice. Didn't taste like KFC at all lol bit still nice. Looks a bit of a mess in the picture tho, and pink for some reason - it was def cooked tho so not sure why it looks pink!

Breakfast: bacon and egg baskets and spinach

Lunch: ryvita minis (healthy b) and a few carrot sticks

Dinner: KFC chicken, lettuce chips and baked beans, 2 syns for garlic mayo

Extras: 30g cheese (healthy a), greek muller yoghurt (half a syn), galaxy caramel (12 syns)

Syns: 14


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That looks really fab! It really did make me lol :D
I don't have many to buy for either, oh, mum, the cats, brother, sil, niece and nephew, they're easy now cos all they want is money.
Shops get crazy in December don't they! It's a lovely atmosphere tho.

Haha OH did my smiley breakfast, made me laugh too lol.

Red day today

Brunch: wholemeal roll (healthy b) with 2 rashers bacon and 'fried' eggs

Dinner: : chicken and veg plus a Linda McCartney sausage as pretend stuffing

Extras: chocolate hifi bar (healthy b), Starbucks skinny vanilla latte (healthy a + 3 syns), galaxy (11)

Syns: 14


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I slept through the storm! But apparently we had it quite bad, really loud, lots of sirens etc and unfortunately a girl from not far away from here got crushed by a tree as she slept :( lots of trains round here have been cancelled all day too as lots of trees on the tracks. Fortunately the roads have been clear tho, maybe people were too scared to venture out. X

I lost 1lbs at weigh in and got my 1 and a half stone award :) x