I managed it! I'm so proud, as I was reeeeally struggling and I'm not sure why. All I could think about was triple chocolate sundaes and subway lol. But I didn't give in and had a 500 calorie day. I got myself through it by thinking how much I would love the scales in the morning (they haven't gone into hiding yet...) and they were great, saw a weight I haven't seen in a long time. I know it's not official and they will go up tomorrow but it made me feel so good.
Feast day today, decided I'm having pancakes

with syrup, cream, lemon and sugar... All nice and healthy lol
Breakfast: 2 poached eggs on a wholemeal roll
Lunch: danio yoghurt, Special K chewy bar, cashew nuts
Dinner (will have fairly early and have pancakes at about 7.30): leftover cacciatore with pasta, little bit of cheese
Extras: pancakes! 2 biscuits
Pic of the bland ready meal I had yesterday

the portion was tiny, I was so hungry I added lots of spinach