B_44s food diary

Ohh here's dinner, Cajun spice, garlic n herb philly, pasta and turkey with salad - yum :) I think I had a fairly good portion size too, not too big but enough to be full up after. Ew and the disgusting soup from yesterday :( x


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Ew the soup does look disgusting. Wednesday will be fine, some people do them back to back - I couldn't do that, or 4:3 for that matter! I've stuck to a Wednesday wi because I have more time to do it and measure my waist etc, you're supposed to get a better and more consistent result the morning after day 2. Do whatever works best for you!
Hope you're having a good night, and good luck for tomorrow :D
Ah that's good then. I shall weigh in tomorrow morning and then make Thursdays my official weigh in. I should start taking measurements too.

It's been hard today, it's been cheese day at work! For lunch everyone bought in baguettes, cheese, pâté etc. I was so pleased that I didn't tough anything. And to be honest, it was a lot easier to resist than I thought it would be. We don't get lunch breaks or anything so had to stay in the room and watch, but must admit I did offer to pop to sainsbury's to grab drinks for everyone just to get away from the food lol. Proud of myself though.

Haven't eaten yet, will probably eat about 4. Not sure what yet x
Goodness! You're a stronger woman than me, there is no way I could've resisted that lot. You're doing brilliantly!
At least you'll have it over and done with tomorrow when I'm hungry :)
Thankyou, I'm quite proud of myself really. It was hard but also a lot easier than I thought it would be. I just reminded myself that tomorrow, I could eat cheese if I wanted.

I've lost 3lbs since Monday :) I'm so pleased. I will make Thursday my official weigh on day from now on.

It's a food day, looks like this so far:

Breakfast: 2 weetabix with 1 tea spoon of sugar

Lunch: wholemeal chicken and lettuce sandwhich, a few Brazil nuts, danio yoghurt, apple

Dinner: sw prawn curry with rice, tiny bit of naan bread

Extras: will see what I fancy
It looks like you can do this! :D
Your dieting is over and done with until Monday :)
Spare a thought for me today x
Well done on your loss, it's a great start!
Thankyou. Hiding my scales (again!) for a week so that I don't weigh myself after feast days and be dissapointed if they are up slightly, know you mentioned that they can be erratic.
Haha, I did. Pound up from yesterday's weigh in but not too worried.

I had a day off work today, woke up about 10 but didn't eat anything til about 4.30. I wasnt hungry until about 4, which I found rather interesting. Know I've only done two fast days but wonder whether my body is already getting used to it.

Lunch/dinner: spicy rice and veg with 30g cheese (weird combo but it worked)

Extras: 1 Lindt lindor, danio yogurt, small bar galaxy cookie crumble

Might have something else, Added up my calories and its about 1060. It's annoying tho because fat is fairly low, but sat fat above the recommended daily allowance, so is the amount of sugar (according to mfp). Amazing how quickly it all adds up!
Only a pound up is good, I've been known to go up 3, that was when I decided to ditch the daily wi :)
Don't over do it or you'll get fed up, although a lot of people do 4:3, I know I couldn't!
Don't take too much notice of sugar and sat fast on mfp quite a bit of it isn't accurate, it depends who's input the info.
It's Saturday - yaay :D
Have a good weekend x
Yeah I didn't realise that anyone can input the info, I thought it was all official. Maybe I will have to scan the bar code on some things just to make sure it's right.

The same weight as Thursday this morning. It's pancake day tomorrow so I might have pancakes but I'm not sure, I will probably go to my mum and dads at some point and they will do them so don't want to go too mad on pancakes. If I had them both I'd probably have to do 4:3 lol

Fast day today :( already hungry :( I've got an 80 calorie cereal bar and will get an apple snack pack, think they're about 47 calories. Not sure about my evening meal, I bought a 280ish calorie ready meal from tesco so might have that. Don't really want to rely on ready meals too much though, yuk!

Oh why can't it be Tuesday already haha
Keep strong!
Forget about food and concentrate on how much good it's doing you, and how you WILL be able to eat pancakes tomorrow if you want to :D
I must admit I'm starting to use ready meals which I normally avoid like the plague. I don't like cooking or preparing food on fast days, I like to keep them as easy as possible.
It'll be Tuesday very soon x
I managed it! I'm so proud, as I was reeeeally struggling and I'm not sure why. All I could think about was triple chocolate sundaes and subway lol. But I didn't give in and had a 500 calorie day. I got myself through it by thinking how much I would love the scales in the morning (they haven't gone into hiding yet...) and they were great, saw a weight I haven't seen in a long time. I know it's not official and they will go up tomorrow but it made me feel so good.

Feast day today, decided I'm having pancakes :) with syrup, cream, lemon and sugar... All nice and healthy lol :D

Breakfast: 2 poached eggs on a wholemeal roll

Lunch: danio yoghurt, Special K chewy bar, cashew nuts

Dinner (will have fairly early and have pancakes at about 7.30): leftover cacciatore with pasta, little bit of cheese

Extras: pancakes! 2 biscuits

Pic of the bland ready meal I had yesterday :( the portion was tiny, I was so hungry I added lots of spinach


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It really is a fab eating plan isn't it? I know some days are tough, but it feels great when you've managed it.
What other diet could you happily plan normal pancakes on and not feel guilty about it?
Keep up the good work and enjoy your pancakes x
It was another toughie yesterday! But I managed it, which I always feel really pleased about. Why on earth do I want a mcdonalds on a Monday and Wednesday but other days I couldn't care less about them?! Lol.

I lost 1 pound this week. To be honest, I did kind of want a little bit more but I suppose after pancake and syrup cake gate I can't complain haha x
It's a loss for 2 days dieting :) well done!
Mmmmm McDonald's (loathe the stuff) would kill for one at the mo. I'm cooking tea - it's been a long hungry day!
That's true, thanks :)

Oh dear, I hope the evening has gone quick for you and that you are looking foreward to your lovely cake. You're doing so well :) x