Sorry to hear about your leg.Hope you are resting missy.Well done on your loss.I think you would make a great sw consultant where abouts are you based again? anywhere near surrey.xx
Hi hunni! Sorry to hear you're injured - you take care of yourself now! Congrats on another 1 1/2 lbs off!!
I have no loss to report - I was doing OK until I was overwhelmed by the urge for a chinese takeaway and alcoholic ginger beer after Zumba last Friday! This week I'm in London 2 days as I have 2 exams to take so I don't think I'll be losing any weight this week either!
Cor blimey tis scorching here today :character00238:
Still feeling a bit umm n ahh about food at the moment -not sure what is going on but hey diddly ho diddly Im sure it will sort its self out....
So then my red carb curfew for today looks like this:- 8am
griddled chicken breast
So thats my 2A+Bs and 2 synscovered...... I know my lunch looks a little odd but its what I fancy thinks me have a weetabix addiction
Ginlin -I know what you mean, I have unearthed some things that Im not fussed about anymore -things like the ribs -but Im sure they will get used, the plan is to do them on a Sunday evening with stir-fry or something. Im determined that when we move back to the UK and I get to start from fresh I WILL NOT get lured by things because they are on offer *famous last words*
TakeitEazy -I have reported in with them now *bad bad me*
Hi Surreygal... nope -Im afraid Im not near you...mind if I was you I would be glad about that :sign0151:
Dawn- I knew my frezer was fairly tidy as Im forever in there sorting out -although when hubby goes in there -he grabs a corner of what he wants and just pulls -causing an avalanche ...go on... get yours done -you know you want to :giggle:
Hi Trace -Pinkies crossed for your exams this week... heck don't be worrying about food this week.. Im sure that a piece of lemon cheesecake has negligible calories/syns when eaten directly after an exam
:sign0137: ginger beer...nasty stuff
Hope you have a good week my lovely and KTF
Thanks Nicki. Im on the mend thanks - can't wait to get back in the gymble though -hoping hubby will let me give it a try on Thursday if Im a good girl
How are you?
Have a lovely day everyone and keep up the great work!!!
Thanks Nicki. Im on the mend thanks - can't wait to get back in the gymble though -hoping hubby will let me give it a try on Thursday if Im a good girl
How are you?
Im naughty naughty naughty :devilangel:
Now then.... in my defence (and gawd knows I need one ) ... I have several obsessions -now I have the food one under control BUT I have an incurable addiction to lakeland -now anyone who shares my illness will appretiate my predicament see -Now I know that Im supposed to be getting rid of stuff ready to move ..and then I got attacked by something now I put it in my"basket" took it out.. put it in -imagine the hokey cokey and you get the idea and the end this below won
Goo on tell me its not gucci is isn't it.... isn't that just "wit woo" -so I now have one being delivered to my mums house (well its silly getting it sent here to take it back there again) -now I do have a big ole slow cooker that I have had since before I even knew hubby -so its not like it hasn't earnt its keep *does that sound convincing enough :hmm:*
Now whilst Im still defending myself I was planning on buying organic goodies when we move back and NOT stockpiling food -so this one will allow me to do smaller amounts *ok thats everyone convinced*
I won't mention any other bits that "might" have fallen into my basket
Glad you are back on plan Nicki. I don't know where my weetabix addiction has come from -but I have to have them in a specific way -It has taken me ages to get this formula right -it has to be:-
2 weetabix, 175ml semi milk poured over (must wet all the weetabix) then bash with a spoon and make sure there are no dry bits..add 1tsp sugar and mix.. pat back down and double check for dry bits and NOW I can eat em
no-one else is allowed to do my weetabix -its a science you know
Im naughty naughty naughty :devilangel:
Now then.... in my defence (and gawd knows I need one ) ... I have several obsessions -now I have the food one under control BUT I have an incurable addiction to lakeland -now anyone who shares my illness will appretiate my predicament see -Now I know that Im supposed to be getting rid of stuff ready to move ..and then I got attacked by something now I put it in my"basket" took it out.. put it in -imagine the hokey cokey and you get the idea and the end this below won
Goo on tell me its not gucci is isn't it.... isn't that just "wit woo" -so I now have one being delivered to my mums house (well its silly getting it sent here to take it back there again) -now I do have a big ole slow cooker that I have had since before I even knew hubby -so its not like it hasn't earnt its keep *does that sound convincing enough :hmm:*
Now whilst Im still defending myself I was planning on buying organic goodies when we move back and NOT stockpiling food -so this one will allow me to do smaller amounts *ok thats everyone convinced*
I won't mention any other bits that "might" have fallen into my basket
Glad you are back on plan Nicki. I don't know where my weetabix addiction has come from -but I have to have them in a specific way -It has taken me ages to get this formula right -it has to be:-
2 weetabix, 175ml semi milk poured over (must wet all the weetabix) then bash with a spoon and make sure there are no dry bits..add 1tsp sugar and mix.. pat back down and double check for dry bits and NOW I can eat em
no-one else is allowed to do my weetabix -its a science you know
I know what you mean about lakeland, i love looking at there stuff but luckily if to skint to ever be able to buy anything, although have you ever tried the butter buds? they are supposed to be amazing. As for the cooker its very nice and if you needed a new one then seems like the perfect plan to me, sods law you'd bring the old one home and it would break! Think you need to come clean and admit everything that 'fell' in the basket!
My weetabix formula is a bit different, pour the milk around the bix, never on them! Sprinkle sugar on the top and when the milk is just starting to wet the sugar, i eat I have to have a little crunch, for some reason mushy food sometimes makes me gag, happens with yogurts too! I'm a bit weird!
Well after the last 2 days of a heat wave its now "trying" to brew up a storm -lets hope it clears the air as its awful :sigh:
I have made a revelation -I have become a gym bunny/exercise addict ..I haven't been able to do any since Friday and jeese I am so tetchy -I swear I could have fallen out with myself yesterday .... not only am I irritable but I feel heavy and sluggish, so much so that yesterday I found myself upstairs trying on my tankini and then ringing hubby at work to find out where the nearest pool was -hubby came home bless him and off we headed for the pool -only it was snided -it was an outside one and hells bells it was packed solid -so we turned around and came home :cry: -there was no way we were going to get any swimming done in THAT lot... anyway we have looked up an indoor pool so are going to give that a try soon.
But we know its bad when the only chance of me getting exercise means wearing a swimmy and I was willing to do it :faint2:... I WILL be going to the gymble tomorrow -I don't care how easy I have to take it... I AM GOING *hmph*
so then if I can get my eating back as it should be-my EE carb curfew should look like this (ooh Im doing EE as I don't HAVE 2A+Bs that way and at the same time I don't HAVE to have a certain amount of carbs so I can have less whilst Im feeling sluggish) 9am
So thats 1A+B and 2 syns - if I need to use any more syns it will be on milk.. but with it being warm Im not sure I will want any more tea....
oooh NICKI. -you soooooooooo can't eat weetabix that way :sign0137: -they have to be squishy like babyfood -now, any other cereal I have -I put the milk in the bowl and float the cereal on top (can't eat it soggy) but weetabix have to be soggy
Lakeland is my guilty pleasure, can't resist that place,,, its like a little shop of heaven -its amazing how you can go years without something and then see 1 in there and think *oooooh how have I coped without THAT*
Hi Ela ine -well done on your loss my lovely arty0011: -Im sure that all that exercise will benefit you next week.. it may well show up in inches . Keep at it Mrs we WILL get there...
I don't have much planned for today so I may well do some more planning ready for next week,,, I NEED to get back into my routine its driving me crazy :silly:
Right -off for brekkie ... have a lovely day everyone...
You really have become a gym person, haven't you - how wonderful (not so wonderful that you've confirmed it by being a bit broken...I hope you're well on the mend).
Hrm - if you're "needing" to use extra syns and it's too warm for tea, how about your cold coffee thing that you had last year? Milk's a very good thing to use your syns on, I'd think, if you're EEing especially, to get your calcium in?
You really have become a gym person, haven't you - how wonderful (not so wonderful that you've confirmed it by being a bit broken...I hope you're well on the mend).
Hrm - if you're "needing" to use extra syns and it's too warm for tea, how about your cold coffee thing that you had last year? Milk's a very good thing to use your syns on, I'd think, if you're EEing especially, to get your calcium in?
ooooooooh you bl**dy genius -I have 12 bottles of camp coffe in the basement ...ooooh 250ml semi (6)+ 1tsp camp (1) :flowers: -:sign0168:
That can now go back on my plan on a daily basis nomnomnom, I love dairy -and I know that they reckon that a diet higher in low fat dairy loses weight faster
I have been trying to be good today -Im focusing on the bigger picture and telling myself that its only 1 week out of the whole plan and if thats what it takes for my achilies to recover then so be it -so in the grand scheme of things its not so bad -I just need to "GET A GRIP WOMAN" - so Im planning ready for my new week starting on Sunday .
I just can't believe the difference I have felt for not getting in the gym though -hubby reckons we had better look into a decent gym membership deal when I get back into the UK
Hubby has put leave in for next week so we are hoping to visit the swimming pool early on to try and get in whilst its quiet :cross:
Hope you are having a good week too.....
Glad I could help! (I remembered about it because one of my favourite drinks is a coffee light frap with peppermint or hazelnut from starbucks and I keep thinking this might well work for me instead)
Well what a strange day I had yesterday, where to begin :hmm: -well shall we start with the GYROS, FRIES AND TZATZIKI that I had -yes, you heard right ....
It all started about 4pm when I suddenly fancied said food -and would it go away ? NOPE - anyhoo hubby got home from golf and out he went again...coming back armed with a nommy takeaway
Now we did share 1 (which is no defense as they are HUGE :giggle -and do you know what GOOD GOD IT WAS SCRUMMY :drool:. I have to say I sat there and enjoyed and I mean really enjoyed every last scrap :clap: -
So despite breaking various of my own rules -including :-
eating every 4 hours
carb curfew
oh and not eating "junk"
I bl**dy enjoyed it ... and the best bit of all is that I felt/feel no guilt at all... I wanted it, I had it, ate it, enjoyed it and Im done and now Im just right back to my "normal" eating . In an odd way it has made me really -simply because it has made me see that I can occasionally have something like that (well it was my first in 14months) without it ending up in a feeding frenzy .
Well then on the not good news, last night we got a call from hubbies brother to say their mum had been rushed into hospital -and isn't expected to make it out -cue lots of running round throwing thing in cases etc and then waiting to hear from the armies compassion folks (they are the guys who get you back when need be). When my big sis was poorly she was classed as "A1" which is as bad as it gets and they will get you home in no time -even if it means redirecting flights etc. I will never forget that they managed to get us home in about 12hrs door to door..
MIL has been classed "B8" which is pretty much -no given time line,,,, so they will fly us home but not provided transport at either end of accomodation BUT we can if we wish fly there and back every day -Hubby is just trying to hook it up so we fly out Monday morning and come back Wednesday morning so we can see her and talk with the Dr. and then when things progress we will get whipped back out things are a bit all over the place at the moment....
Anyhoo -back to normal things.. my red carb curfew for today looks like this:- 9am
250ml semi (A) -1tsp camp (1) -made into ice cubes
250 ml semi (A)
Now thats 2A+1 syn used -I know its naughty not to have any heBs but I just don't fancy anything "carby" -probably because of the scrummy fries I had last night
Im not sure what I have planned for this afternoon -I think I might make a plan to keep us "on plan" whilst we are away, and then finish my plan for next week..
Right -off for a catch up..
Have a great day everyone and keep at it!!
Sorry to hear about your mother in law hun, hope the trip back goes as smoothly as it can and your hubby gets to spend some quality time with her.
Big hugs
Thanks for the kind thoughts re MIL...
As you can see Im still at home, we are still travelling back on Monday *assuming things don't change*. Hubby is OK thanks -I think he has been expecting it for a while as his mum is 85 and doesn't take care of herself *and smokes like a bloomin chimney* - apparently she has known something is wrong for a long time but the lads back home (2 still live at home) couldn't get her to the Dr. -stubborn b*gger -and it appears that she has lung cancer -well thats what we know so far. Hubby has lived away from home for the last 26years -21 of them in Germany so he hasn't had that close a relationship as such -not that he doesn't love her, just circumstances etc. I think losing my sis hit him harder as we spent quite a lot of time with my family when we went on leave.
Its really freaky at the moment as its this time 3 years ago that we were being whipped home because of my sister, and even freakier is that we fly on Monday which is the 4th July -and the 3 year anniversary of my sisters death :sigh: -so all in all this is becoming a "cack" time of year.... anyway -we all have to go through these things so its a case of dig down and get on with it...
Well onto the usual goings on.... Im having another carb curfew day which should look like this:- 9am
[*]2 boiled eggs
tuna fish -bashed with balsamic
[*]home made tomato/pepper sauce (1)
[*]salad *as above*
250ml semi (A)
[*]1tsp camp (1)
Now then I make that 1A and 2 syns covered... again Im not fancying carbs at the moment but I might shove some peas on my dinner just to use my B up . I think * week is approaching as thats usually when I feel full up all the time.. odd bod that I am.
Well then, IF hubby knocks of work early this afternoon we are going to venture to another pool -an indoor one this time -with a sports pool, so lane swimming which is what I want. so it will mean braving the tankini - but hey ho, I will survive and its a means to an ends -I WILL one day look tickityboo in a cossie :vibes:.
Im looking forward to swimming again -I used to go years ago -mon-fri and do approx 120 lengths a time . I haven't swum properly in years so it will be interesting to see how bad I am . When we went to Kefaloni hubbyy and my niece couldn't believe that I could just "bob" -I swear I could stand up in the water and not even have to so much as twitch and I wouldn't sink -from under my arms up would be clear out of the water ... although that isn't so great when you realise its purely because of the amount of FAT I was carrying . Apparently hubby is looking forward to watching me sink if I try that now *which doesn't sound nice does it!!*
My fave stroke has always been backstroke, but I want to get to grips with frontcrawl -as Im much fitter now so I just need to find my natural breathing pattern. I can do breaststroke legs and arms *just not together* :giggle:
Now my sis used to swim for the county when we were younger and her best stroke was butterfly -but lets be honest ...that stroke isn't natural is it
Anyway -I intend to see how much I can do and then set targets from there.. Im not expecting great things today... just NOT needing rescuing will do
Right -enough yapping Im off again..
Have a lovely day all and keep up the great work,,,