Hi Capricorn, Well here I am back at work after my week away :cry: I do have a fridge full of fruit and veg

which feels sooooo much better - just had my strawberries, raspberries, cherries and total 0% for breakfast. i usually have an alpen light on my drive to work (60 miles

) and then have the other (HeB) mid morning, but I am resisting as i have discovered the fibre plus bars and so I am seeing if I can cope with just fruit and then look forward to that chocolately treat this afternoon.
Was soooo annoyed yesterday, I drove to Morrisons to pick up some of their special offers - pasta BOG2F, and importantly the fibre plus bars on BOGOF BUT they had sold out of the milk chocolate ones. Mmmmm, was NOT impressed. I will try and call in on another store on my way home, I think there is one just off the motorway.
So, back on track with 100% and hoping to stay that way.
Good luck with the fettling - havent heard that phrase for a long time! I unpacked my case yesterday and took it as an opportunity to have a wardrobe clearout, there is so much in there that I dont wear/cant wear/ will never wear as quite often it is more a case of buying what fits that might do for the occassion, rather than buying what you like (I think people on here will understand that more than those not in our situation!). Anyway, I decided to ditch a load of stuff but I also had a few NSVs and found that some stuff that I havent been able to wear for over a year is now wearable !!!! It seems that I may have dropped down to generous fitting 28s instead of 30s :happy036: Not a massive leap, but it shows something is happening! Has given me the kick up the butt to get on with things properly and get back to measuring my syns, eg. ketchup etc rather than guesstimating 1tbs
So, sorry for the waffle, hope you dont mind my pontificating on here. Have a good day and I am sure that your planning and fridge clearing out will occupy you enough to avoid the boredom eating - dont forget you can always come on here
Have a good day everyone.
H2 x