Morning Capricorn!!:wavey:
Congrats on your new shiny!!!!:clap: You're doing so well!!!! As for me ............ I'm reporting back from my cruise with a 5 1/2 lb gain!

I have to say it was worth every mouthful though!!!! I had a really lovely time and I actually got quite a bit of exercise, doing 2 hours of ballroom dancing classes some days, walking up and down stairs on the ship and walking around various ports that we visited, so I dread to think how much I would've put on if it wasn't for that!
I received a text on the 2nd day of my cruise telling me that I have to go to Lincoln on my first day back at work!!! Bearing in mind that it costs £1.80 to send a text, or £1.80 per minute to make a call on your mobile at sea, I signed up for their internet service, but even that cost £35 for 100 minutes!!!!

To cut a long story short, my boss has ordered my train tickets and I have to be in Lincoln by 6 pm on Tuesday to meet everyone else who's on this 2-year course that I'm doing, spend Wednesday there and travel home Wednesday evening!!! Oh well, has to be done I suppose. It's not good for my weight though - I've been there before and the food is amazing!!!
Well, that's about all for now. I'll try to get back on plan asap but it's hard having to cook my own meals after being waited on hand and foot for almost a fortnight!

Lots of washing and ironing in store for me today methinks!!
Bye for now, take care, Trace xxx