Baby Charlie has arrived so lets get on with shedding the rest of this wobble!!!

Well, Capricorn, this Friday is one that - well, I can't exactly say I'm looking forward to it, but I am as much as I ever do for a social occasion! At least it's with people (most of whom) I like, and who are good fun. And the food will be much better than last Friday's rubbish.

It's at a place called Fusion - which is one of those "all you can eat" places that do lots of different types of cuisine. So they have Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Italian, plus a roast, and jacket pots, and probably others that I can't think of.
And then the puddings: they have tiny little bite-sized squares of lots of yummy stuff: cheesecake, brownies, cakes, pies, crumbles... as well as mousses, TONS of fruit salad, and a chocolate fountain...

Yum! But because you go up & help yourself, you can really have as much, or as little as you like. And so long as I get even a little taste of some of the things I love, I don't mind how little the taste is.

So I can stay on green - fill my plate up with rice, or noodles, or whatever, and have just a bit of a few sauces for my HXs. Then use all my syns for pudding. And if I go slightly over - well, I'll have been 100% all the rest of the week, planning to be under 10 syns a day, so I will have saved at least 30, giving me a few to play with.

And then I'll try to dance it all off.

Good morning all

And Boy oh Boy is it a cold one :winter_brr:-we have been given severe weather warnings.. now that has to be bad out here :eek: this has to be the first one I have ever known of.... So I have been out and re-filled the bird table and water pots and they are going crazy out there...

Well, hubby IS on duty today so Im having another green day and it looks like this:-
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • 2 clementines
  • apple
  • jacket potato
  • cheese triangle (2)
  • beetroot
  • apple
  • blood orange
  • 110g rhubarb yoghurt (2)
  • 50g dry weight pasta
  • leeks
  • onions
  • peas
  • corn
  • 28g cheddar (A)
  • fibre plus bar (B)
  • activia (2.5)
  • orange
  • apple
so thats 2A+1B and 6.5syns accounted for that leaves me a heB and 8.5syns "just in case" -I like to be prepared in case the munchies attack whilst Im on my own :p. Now I don't usually have the same meal twice-but the pasta last night was sooooo scrummy (and quick n easy) that Im having it again :D
JimofTroy.... Hope you have a good time at the party...
Im glad I have got ours out of the way, now me n hubby are having a nice quiet xmas too ...just me n him, it should be our last one out here so next year there will be my family near by so definitely NOT quiet then :p

Well folks I will get off and catch up ..and no doubt be back later... have a lovely day everyone and keep safe n warm :bundledup:
Gooooooooood afternoon all :wavey:

ooohh tis very snowy here-the severe weather warning wasn't far wrong -we gained about 12" of snow yesterday :eek:. It hasn't snowed anymore today -but I think it will. We nipped out earlier whilst it was still possible -so I have yet MORE food in :whistle:... still, if the weather continues we will be glad of it and if not, well then it will subsidise our eating for the first few months of 2011 :p.
Anyhoo -hubby has finished work now -until the 4th January, lets see who gets on who's nerves first shall we :giggle:. ahhhhhh and I had a huge flower arrangement delivered to my door this morning -from my lovely mummy -tis all deep reds n oranges...soooooo pretty, its for my birthday -but she sent it today as she knew I would be in :D
Whilst we were out I spotted that they had changed over the yankee candles on offer so I have added 6 more to the collection -3 garden sweetpea, 1 vanilla lavender, 1 clean cotton and 1 home sweet home :p.
Righty ho -I have eaten very little so far today :whoopass: -so I think I will go green... hmmm and it should look like this:-
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • 2 oranges
now thats it so far :confused: and Im not really hungry yet -so I will probably just have fruit for lunch... then it will be:-
  • fruit
  • 50g dry weight pasta
  • leeks
  • onions
  • peas
  • sweetcorn
  • 28g cheddar(B)
  • activia (2.5)
  • fibre plus bar (B)
  • fruit
so that will be 2A+Bs and 2.5 syns accounted for....Now then its not my fault Im having easy cheesy pasta again -hubby requested it :p although I put chorizo in his too...
right I had better stop waffling and get off -have a lovely day everyone and keep up the great work!!
:wavey:from a very snowy me :wavey:-we have gained about another 8" over night and boy is it still going... but we have no need to go out in it (well apart from keeping the bird tables filled up and to clear across the front of the house) -so we can just sit in and watch all the crazy folks trying to get out in it :p-it does look awfully pretty though :smiley1842:
Well then folks -hubby has come down with some kind of lurgy -given to him by someone at work :mad:, they will insist on going in coughing n spluttering and spreading it around :rant2:-I usually manage NOT to catch most things so if I get this one I won't be happy :cross:
Anyhooooo I think Im going to have a red day today -I think 3 days of pasta is sitting far to heavy on me at the moment.... so It may look like this:-
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • orange
  • activia (2.5)
  • 56g oats (Bx2)
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • banana
  • organic rhubarb yoghurt (2)
  • apple
  • clementines
  • home made burgers (1) -nomnomnom
  • cabbage salad:-
  • red cabbage
  • carrots
  • onions
  • pepper
  • dressing (1) -will adjust this when I know what Im putting in it :p
  • yoghurt (2)
  • clementines/orange/splatsumas/apples/blood oranges -depending what mood Im in ....
Now then that uses 2 A+Bs and 8.5 syns.. so I stil need to use another 6.5 syns -so I may buy some milk with it -can never have too many cuppas ;)

Im going to get my meal plan for next week sorted out later -will be odd as hubby is at home now so I will have to figure in his lunches too -he normaly takes extra dinner from the night before... Im sure I will figure it :D! I also want to get back to cutting down my carbs -so more red days -and using my Bs more for my porridge etc and not using them late in the day for healthy fibre plus bars!!!!!! I wasn't fancying brekkie this morning so thats why I have decided to have a big ole bowl of porridge for my lunch nomnomnom.... will use both my Bs up too ;)
Right I think thats me for now.... have a great day everyone and keep safe n warm :bundledup:
Crikey Capricorn - that snow sounds like a nightmare to me! :eek: I suppose it's not too bad when you don't HAVE to leave the house - it's having to get the car out to get to work that I can't stand! Wrap up and keep warm and isolate OH in another room so you don't get the lurgy! :p
Goooooooooood morning all :23:
oooohh ecky thump we have had another 8" of snow over night ,,, and b*gger my old boots if it hasn't started again :p... although it did stop long enough for me to go and shovel the front of the house clear and to clear the birds table (we have a huge golf umbrella attatched over the birdtable :giggle:so it makes life easier -as long as you remember to knock the snow off BEFORE you go under it and knock it and get it all down your back):26: I have re-fill the tables n birdbath... so now it can do what it wants :smiley1842:
Well folks I have registered another 1lb off this week :bliss:... although Im sure I have just burnt another few ounces shifting that snow :giggle:....
Im shaking things up this week -Im going to try and use my hex Bs earlier in the day more often AND Im going to try and limit my fruit intake :needhug:-I think Im struggling to use my syns again as Im filling up on fruit :p... so I will try not to snaffle so much fruit -but Im not making any promises :whistle:.. Im going to stick my allowance for the day in a bowl and "when its gone its gone" :wave_cry:

So then Im having a red day today and it should look like this:-
  • 28g oats +** (B)
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • banana
  • mechado beef stew (1)
  • cauliflower
  • nobbies
  • 200g rhubarb yoghurt (4)
  • 4 ryvita (B+**)
  • tuna
  • beetroot
  • gherkins
  • tickled bunions
  • activia (2.5)
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • 250ml semi (6)
  • fruit allowance:-
  • 1 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 1 blood orange
  • 4 clementines
  • frozen blackberries
so that will be 2A+Bs and 13.5syns....

This weeks main meals "should" be:-
  1. mechado beef (1)
  2. haddock with cheese sauce (A+1.5)
  3. balsamic pork (2)
  4. kolkata chili chicken (4)
  5. roast chicken dinner
  6. lamb hotpot (B)
  7. 1 pan prawne n tomato curry (2)
So it looks pretty much like a red week here -if things stay as they are... Im allowing for if hubby doesn't fancy something on the list as he is all :sick: at the moment and you know what its like when you are poorly -you have to fancy something to want to eat we will see ;). SO far I seem to be dodging the lurgey -helped by hubby insisiting on sleeping on the sofa -although we have 2 huge reclining ones so they are realllllly comfy...

Im doing a chicken dinner for "xmas dinner" -no point doing turkey for 2 plus -Im not a fan of roast turkey.. much prefer chickchick :D
right I think that is far too much waffle for now so I will get off and get my brekkie ... see ya later... keep safe n warm all and keep up the great work....
Thanks for the hug Trudy :p -how are you doing?

Trying to reduce my fruit intake is more daunting than the bread, chocolate, crisps, takeaways, pastry I gave up when I started :patback:.... none of that has bothered me ... but I was expecting the fruit to be a problem...
Anyway -so far so good -my meals did change slightly so I have crossed off stuff I didn't have and added the replacements in purple ;)

So then Im having a red day today and it should look like this:-
  • [STRIKE]28g oats +** (B)[/STRIKE]
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • banana
  • mechado beef stew (1)
  • 198g potatoes (B)- steamed
  • cabbage (0.5)
  • nobbies
  • [STRIKE]200g rhubarb yoghurt (4)[/STRIKE]
  • 100g rhubarb yoghurt (2)
  • 4 ryvita (B)
  • tuna
  • beetroot
  • gherkins
  • tickled bunions
  • activia (2.5)
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • 250ml semi (6)
  • fruit allowance:-
  • 1 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 1 blood orange
  • 4 clementines
  • frozen blackberries
so that will be 2A+Bs and 12syns....
I still have my activia and my 4 clementines left for later :clap:eek:ohh and some of my milk allowance too...
I seem to have found it easier to eat my syns today -so restricting my fruit must be the answer *must keep reminding myself of that when I turn into a baby gorilla again and start grabbing the fruit* :p -I have actually taken all the fruit apart from my daily allowance down into the fridge in the basement -that way I HAVE to make a conscious decission to eat it ;).
Anyway.... I will get off again for now...have a lovely evening all....
Right -since Im being super organised and know what my meal plan is for the week -I thought I would post tomorrows now and save me faffing about in the morning :p -so it will be a red day...:-
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • 28g oats (B)
  • banana
  • blackberries
  • 2 egg omelette with :-
  • peppers
  • onions
  • mushrooms
  • 14g cheddar (3)
  • activia (2.5)
  • plain haddock
  • cheese sauce (A+1.5)
  • 227g jacket (B)
  • cauliflower
  • cabbage
  • carrots
  • 100g rhubarb yoghurt (2)
  • 250ml semi (6)
  • fruit allowance:-
  • 1 sweetie
  • 1 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 4 clementines
So then that will be 2A+Bs and all my 15syns accounted for :D..
Right -now I will get off again..really I will :p
baby gorillas are so
Not when you get inbetween them and their fruit they aren't :giggle:
Well folks-still lots of snow here today ..but it didn't stop me going out :p -I wrapped up warm :bundledup:, put on my "sensible" walking boots and off we went... it was lovely and it was a 2hr trudge by the time we had done :happy036:-so that better have burnt some wobble :cross:. We nipped into the supermarket whilst we were at it and got a bit more fruit :whistle:hubby carried it back in his backpack bless him... Im hoping that if it isn't snowing tomorrow I may get out again and just have a walk for the sake of it... makes me feel so much better than lolling around the house all day...
Anyhoo -my brekkie changed slightly so here is my reviewed plan..

-so it will be a red day...:-
  • 250ml semi (A) :checkmark green:
  • banana :checkmark green:
  • blackberries:checkmark green:
  • 2 egg omelette with :- :checkmark green:
  • peppers :checkmark green:
  • onions :checkmark green:
  • mushrooms :checkmark green:
  • 14g cheddar (3) :checkmark green:
  • activia (2.5):checkmark green:
  • plain haddock:checkmark green:
  • cheese sauce (A+1.5):checkmark green:
  • 227g jacket (B):checkmark green:
  • nobbies :checkmark green:
  • carrots:checkmark green:
  • 100g rhubarb yoghurt (2)
  • 250ml semi (6):checkmark green:
  • fibre plus bar (B):checkmark green:
  • fruit allowance:-
  • 1 sweetie:checkmark green:
  • 1 apple :checkmark green:
  • 1 orange:checkmark green:
  • 4 clementines:checkmark green:
  • strawberries:checkmark green:
So then that will be 2A+Bs and all my 15syns accounted for :D..
right Im off to get something done on the wii... have a great day everyone and keep at it....

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Gooooooood evening all -just posting my meal plan ready for tomorrow -Im hoping to get out for a walk early on..assuming it isn't snowing up a storm :cross:..

so then -another red day that should look like this:-
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • 28g oats (B)
  • blackberries
  • banana
  • salmon fillet
  • gherkins
  • beetroot
  • peppers
  • tomato
  • activia (2.5)
  • kolkata chili chicken (4)
  • 198g potato (B) wedged in:-
  • 1/4tsp oil (0.5)
  • stirfried:-
  • 1/4tsp oil (0.5)
  • onions
  • carrots
  • peppers
  • 250ml semi (A)
  • 250ml semi (6)
  • fruit allowance
  • strawberries
  • 1 apple
  • 4 clementines
  • 1 blood orange
So that will be my 2A+Bs and 13.5 syns....
right I will get off again.. I have my 4 clementines and my rhubarb yoghurt to eat up :D
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morning morning morning:wavey:
well I didn't get my walk this morning :cry: although I have done some fettling, so hopefully that wil have burnt a few cals... and I will get on the wii later. It is far too frosty n slippy looking out there to venture far today.... Anyhoo here is my meal plan copied from above -with slight alterations (don't know why Im not needing much for brekkie recently :confused:)

so then -another red day that should look like this:-
  • 250ml semi (A) :checkmark green:
  • blackberries :checkmark green:
  • banana :checkmark green:
  • chicken breast :checkmark green:
  • gherkins :checkmark green:
  • beetroot :checkmark green:
  • peppers :checkmark green:
  • tomato :checkmark green:
  • activia (2.5)
  • kolkata chili chicken (2.5) :checkmark green:
  • [STRIKE]198g potato[/STRIKE] (B) wedged in:-
  • [STRIKE]1/4tsp oil[/STRIKE](0.5)
  • stirfried:-
  • 1/4tsp oil (0.5) :checkmark green:
  • onions :checkmark green:
  • carrots :checkmark green:
  • peppers :checkmark green:
  • 250ml semi (A) :checkmark green:
  • fibre plus bar (B)
  • 250ml semi (6)
  • fruit allowance
  • strawberries :checkmark green:
  • 1 apple :checkmark green:
  • 4 clementines
  • 2 blood oranges
So that will be my 2A+Bs and 12 syns....
I have made the marinade for the chili chicken and got the meat marinading so hopefully it will be yummy :cross: -hubby is still :sick: so at least it should get through to his tastebuds...
There is nothing much happening here rigth now so Im thinking of getting some more weekly menus sorted ready for the new year -shouldn't really mention such things before :xmastree: has even happened should I :p...BUT I have to confess that Im focussing on getting plenty more wobble off ready for spring/summer -it will be on us before we know and IM NOT having another FAT one.... I refuse to have to wear black all the time in a small attempt to not look so big, and I refuse to have to wander around sweltering as I have nothing to wear - or should that be -nothing that Im willing to wear :grumble:...
SO -there is my motivation for not pigging out this :xmascheers:.. This has to be the first year in memory that I haven't already spent several [STRIKE]days[/STRIKE] weeks feeling sick n bloated from overeating and getting up with food hangovers:eek:...and I love it -I know it might sound very *bah humbug* -but for me I really think that the festive season is my final test of willpower and how much I really want to be slimmer... and so far Im winning :bliss:and to be honest its not even difficult -I just really really want to be slimmer more than I want to shove things down my neck :faint2: and I never thought I would be able to say that.. anyway thats far to much blah blah blah... I will get off for now... have a lovely day everyone and keep at it...we are getting there...
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hi capricorn i love coming on here to read ur next installment u have so much determination and will power i think i need to take a leaf out of ur book :) i was dreading xmas with all the temptation around but it made me think when i read this in ur post ..........................

-I just really really want to be slimmer more than I want to shove things down my neck :faint2:

from now on this will be my daily mantra, have a great day x

I know it might sound very *bah humbug* -but for me I really think that the festive season is my final test of willpower and how much I really want to be slimmer... and so far Im winning :bliss:and to be honest its not even difficult -I just really really want to be slimmer more than I want to shove things down my neck :faint2: and I never thought I would be able to say that..

Ditto, Capricorn. It's amazing, isn't it?

I've eaten some party stuff - but only what I wanted to eat. And then stopped. And all of the mass of pastry that turned up in the office on our party day: just didn't appeal in the slightest.

Like you, I could never have believed that it could happen to me. I still don't know whether it's permanent - but I love it!

I really genuinely do want to be slimmer more than I want to eat something that in the past would just have gone down without touching the sides, and without any thought.

For the first time in my life, I've got will power, where food's concerned. And I'm not even expecting to fall off the wagon at Christmas - because I don't want to. And I'm in control!

Good afternoon lovely people :D- so nice of you to pop in to see me :thankyou:...

I have to say that I appretiate that I do have it a lot easier than many -especially at this time of year.. now I normally make xmas pudding, cake, my own mincemeat, stollen, my own pork pie :drool: and the works, I love the build up of xmas..making everything BUT I then proceed to eat my way through it all :party0051:-hubby doesn't have much of a sweet tooth -so would just have a taste..and well then that would generally leave me n my mum to demoilsh the rest :eek:
This year I have simply opted out of buying/making any of the festive gubbins ;).... I have figured that I don't need/want any of that stuff for the rest of the year (although I could eat proper xmas pud all day everyday :p) so why should I suddenly "have" to have it just because of the date :confused:.
So the easiest way I now control what I eat is by simply getting out of the shop without anything in my trolley that I know I can't be trusted with,,,,, strange thing is that I have 8 boxes of fibre plus bars in the basement and yet they don't bother me :hmm:although when I think about I think that is because In my head they are a heB in my head so thats the only time I use one :D
I have to confess that I am no good on the whole at doing moderation .... I have always been someone who has 1 bite of something I consider I shouldn't and then Im like a pacman :17729: -now I am better, but I still find it safer to just not have that 1st bite.
Im hoping that by the time next xmas comes around I will be at target and as we will have moved back to the UK then and be near my family, Im hoping then that I can trust myself to have a little of what i fancy at xmas and know when to stop (well thats the plan anyway :cross:)

Starry-eyed.... you haven't let yourself down, you are just enjoying a bit of xmas spirit,,, you can soon get back to it once its over and done with,,, hope you have a lovely time!!
Valerie... trust me it has taken me until this attempt to find my willpower... I will be 39 tomorrow -so it was very well hidden :p and boy have I tried most diets going (most of them more than once :giggle:), I used to be a serious binge eater and never thought I would overcome that -and Im not saying that it doesn't lurk in the back of my head waiting to ambush me -but for now Im doing ok... It sounds bonkers but I spend a lot of time having conversations in my head :silly:about "do you want or need xyz?" "why are you eating that?" "how will you feel if you have that?" really seems to stop me,,,

:happy096: JimofTroy.... you are a better woman than I .... the fact you ate what you wanted and then walked away is a brilliant achievement :happy036: and shows much more willpower than my avoidance tactics :clap:. It really is an amazing feeling isn't it.. that food isn't now the most important thing, I admit that I still spend a lot of time thinking about food -with what Im planning to eat, making lists, choosing recipes etc.. but not constantly wondering what I can eat next is a great relief....

Anyway everyone...however we choose to get through the festive long as we are all still here trying once its over and done with -none of us will have failed or let ourselves keep at it everyone and here is to a slimmer 2011 :party0038:
It really is an amazing feeling isn't it.. that food isn't now the most important thing, I admit that I still spend a lot of time thinking about food -with what Im planning to eat, making lists, choosing recipes etc.. but not constantly wondering what I can eat next is a great relief....

Actually, food IS still the most important thing!
I don't think I'll ever not be obsessed with food. At the moment I'm not obsessed with eating everything within sight, which is good. But my obsession has just shifted over to being on plan!

I don't know how long it will last. At the moment I'm just grateful for every day that my will power triumphs over my greed! I really really hope that lasts until I hit my target, and beyond, so that I can develop a way of co-existing with food that doesn't need the same amount of will power all of the time. But hey - all I can do is take each day as it comes!

Like you, I've waited a long time for this ability to come out of hiding. Longer, even. I'll be 45 next year!! I WILL be at target by my 45th Birthday. The struggle then will be to stay there, for my 46th... 50th... 70th..... *sigh*
Actually, food IS still the most important thing!
I don't think I'll ever not be obsessed with food. At the moment I'm not obsessed with eating everything within sight, which is good. But my obsession has just shifted over to being on plan!

I don't know how long it will last. At the moment I'm just grateful for every day that my will power triumphs over my greed! I really really hope that lasts until I hit my target, and beyond, so that I can develop a way of co-existing with food that doesn't need the same amount of will power all of the time. But hey - all I can do is take each day as it comes!

Like you, I've waited a long time for this ability to come out of hiding. Longer, even. I'll be 45 next year!! I WILL be at target by my 45th Birthday. The struggle then will be to stay there, for my 46th... 50th... 70th..... *sigh*

We do sound scarily alike :p .... I think if I stopped thinking about food and stopped being so anal about planning n plotting then I would probably fall back into my old eating habbits :eek: .... thats why Im quite happy to sit here making meal plans ready for January :giggle:. I really find it helps to know that I have lovely meals planned for each day -saves me thinking "mmmm I fancy something nice" ;)
SO thats it then... WE WILL BOTH be at target in time for our next birthdays -and they are biggies too :D- when is yours?
June. The 5th.

I started this last May, so gave myself just over a year, to lose just over 5 1/2 stone. 5st 9lb to be precise.

I'm on target for it at the moment - but, as we've said - taking just one day at a time!