That's great news. Have you decided on a car yet? I decided I want a new one and fate very nearly assisted me with that when someone pulled out in front of my from a standing start on an A road when I was doing 70 last Monday. I'm still not sure how I avoided hitting him as he pulled out from a lay by less than 100 foot in front of me.
Also congrats on your profile and getting some interest. It's a shame that these people weren't interested before which goes to say a lot for what kind of person they are, but at least it's interest and it's getting you back out there.
Oh yes it is nice to have someone to chat to. My best friend is looking for a nice gentleman friend and she only ever gets hit on by idiots on these websites so it's a shame you guys aren't local as you might have had a new lady friend to chat to.
I wanted a Suzuki Vitara again. I used to have one many years ago but the engine had a blockage and after many trips to various garages that couldn't find the problem it just seized up one day and I had to force it home screaming like a Boeing engine.
There was one I saw when I was looking to buy my first one, it's a Rossini which is a metallic pink with cream leather interior and white convertible roof. It's limited edition so it's hard to find a good condition one, but it's a shame I can't get it with black interior instead of cream as it looks like it should be driven by Barbie, lol.
Failing that I don't know what I want to be honest. I currently have a Saxo which is a little small for my liking but at least it's a 5 door. I got it for £500 and it had 11k miles on the clock so I can't complain, but within 2 weeks of having it one of my asshole neighbours keyed it.
I'm currently looking for a weight-loss regime but still unsure which one to follow. Is LT difficult?
Hi sag hope you are well.just reading your post really reminds me of my journey on LT....I'm currently back and on day 4 and I'm sticking to it this time no going back now.
Please keep intouch to help me get thru this first week))
Just found one already with black roof and trim on auto trader! I want to ring but am nervous, lol. I've asked my friend to look and tell me what he thinks then I may call tomorrow.
Get on the blower Kuro before someone else snaps it up! Mind you Christmas/New year is a great time to buy a car as everyone is skint.....that's my excuse anyway lol
Online dating sucks, everyone is stuck up their own arse - the real world is a good place to meet people to be honest.
as for cars buy an Alfa GTV V6 3.0- you wont fit much in it but you will get there and back before the Vitara has left the driveway and you will love the noise it makes doing it too
<3 Alfas
His phone is unavailable. I've text so will see what happens. I'm hoping it's a legit reason his phone is off after he's listed a car for sale.