back and going to see what difference plenty of excersise will make this time.:)


ok, i started back on exante on monday. I had lost 7 stone last year the majority while on this diet. I have now put on 1 and a half stone.... I used to run alot and thats how i lost some weight before starting exante but i found the weight came off soo quickly and i spose i was just a lazy bum, i didnt run or do much at all last time. I thought this time it would be interesting to see if i give it my all, will i get better results....i am not crazy about the scales this time as i know i will build muscle again. I have started swimming and cross country running again, so two sessions a day. (nothing too strenuous as i know this is a vlcd) I just thought itd be good to share this, as it will be interesting to see what difference it makes this time.(the other thing i found last time was i had alot of flappy skin as i was not toned, this too id like to hopefully help through excersise) so i am just under 12 stone at the moment, i was 12 on monday morning so i will go from then and blog my weight on a monday and/or the changes in clothes as i think the muscle is a factor i have to consider. Is anyone else excersising this much? good luck everyone on your weightloss journeys!! this diet is great. jen :D