(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Thankyou both of you here's hoping for that STS!!
My Toes, Eyes, Legs and Fingers will be crossed on Friday! How has your day been Mini Bestie? X
Thankyou both of you here's hoping for that STS!!
My Toes, Eyes, Legs and Fingers will be crossed on Friday! How has your day been Mini Bestie? X
Thanks my lovely. Had a good day haven't even had tea yet or pointed up what I've eaten today! Best go do that now really!!
I look forward to an update! I'm yet to wash up, put Poppy to bed at 630 and been on here for last 20mins, oops! X
Evening honey! How are you? I hope you've had a lovely day! Xx
Good Morning Mini BestieWhat are those Scales saying today? X
U know me so well, just stepped off the scales only showing a 1LB gain today!! Dare I dream of a small loss?!! I'm not weighing until Friday now because in all honestly I probably deserve Atleast that 1LB gain so will see what they show on Friday. I had been a little blocked shall we say and now I'm not so maybe that can explain a little of that 8LB! Also I've been doing more walking so hoping that is helping xx
Yey for the Unblocking and Walking ;-) I reckon you might get a Sneaky Loss, maybe the weekend was a much needed 'Metabolism Reset' ?!? Roll on Friday I say! X
Oh dear.. Hope your day improvesHaving a mega crap day at work!! Can't wait to get home and get showered and get my pj's on I stink!!!!
Oh dear.. Hope your day improvesx I feel ya.. My car packed up on Sunday.. And my shower packed up this morning while I was stood with a head full of shampoo!!!!!!! Waiting for my third thing to go wrong as it happens in 3's doesn't it!
good luck for weigh in Fridayx
Hey Mini-Bestie! How dare work upset you! I'm just putting on my boxing gloves and I'll be round to sort them out ;-) They best watch out! X
Haha thanks love xx
Mammoth 16pp dinner!! <img src=""/>
Evening hun! How are you tonight? That donner looks lush! What have you got on your thins? Xx