Well, it's official: no more fasting for me. Not now, not ever.
I don't generally consider myself a quitter, but I have had to finally admit defeat for the sake of my sanity, if nothing else.
Yesterday was a slightly above average day calorie-wise, and my calories were weighted heavily towards the end of the day, but
still I woke up this morning SO hungry I just couldn't take it any longer.
Bottom line is that I simply don't function when I haven't eaten for too long. If it were "just" hunger maybe I could put up with it, but the emotional knock-on effect on me is horrendous: I am listless, miserable, tearful, angry, brain-dead and wretched. I can barely live with myself, let alone expect anyone else to put up with me.
The whole experience has been dragging me down so much that I feel I'm constantly on the verge of some kind of epic meltdown, like a huge binge or something, and life is too short to feel like that. I probably shouldn't say this on a weight loss forum but in all honesty I'd rather spend the rest of my days a couple of stone overweight than ever feel like this again. Seriously.
Right, that's got that off my chest! It was a worthwhile experiment, but I think I've established once and for all that fasting is not for me, and whatever strategy I eventually adopt for maintenance, that ain't gonna be part of it. Phew!
Today's food:
Breakfast!: porridge with cinnamon and nutmeg,
245 cals
Lunch: tuna salad,
256 cals
Dinner: ham with jacket potato and chilli/tomato/pepper/onion mix,
482 cals
Hot cross bun with 9g butter,
273 cals
Milk in tea and coffee,
130 cals
Grand Total:
1386 cals
Bit of an extravagance having a hot cross bun again, but they were on special

, and it's a trade off against my usual dessert and biscuit, so it's fine.
I have to say that this is probably the very worst time of year for me to be on any kind of diet because there are no less than 3 family birthdays to negotiate, not to mention Easter, which is a big deal food-wise in my family.
I'll do my best, but I know that there will be at least 4 off-plan days in the next month and a half, so I'll just have to be very strict with myself around them and ensure that they don't turn into off-plan weeks. Yikes