Back for the last time (oh that old chestnut!)

-6 lbs :)

1st 3lbs to first target of 12st! All set for another week
So my consultant has given me the challenge to get to my target of 12 stone by Valentine's Day. Eek! Really seeing the difference in myself since Christmas.

Having my nails done today, a bit of pampering :) how cold is it though? Even more so being in Cambridge!

I didn't manage all 4 products yesterday. By the time I realised I had one left it was after midnight and I was too tired. I don't even count down to my next shake anymore.. Not eating has become normal lol.

How's everyone getting on?
9.15pm. I've managed 2 shakes and a spag Bol. I didn't want the spag Bol to end!

Lots of food porn on Facebook today! Steak arghhh my weakness. Still I've not caved and I'm plodding on.

I'm getting a new car next week too, absolutely nothing to do with Cambridge but the excitement is keeping my mind off food!

Weekend challenge starts again tomorrow, I think I'm off the cinema again. My other half has been moaning asking me when I can eat again, so we agreed if I do my Valentine's Day challenge, we'll go for a Miller and Carter steak!

Friends keep trying test my limits but I'm too disciplined :)

hope that the v day challenge provides lots of weight loss sure it will but i think your cosultants a tyriant!. take it there been a u turn on the other half, he s no longer in the sin bin:) ohh new car what did you get? im prob goin to be changing mine this year we ll see.

all good this side just keepin on but made it to target today which im pretty chuffed about
I asked her when she thinks I'll be at target and she said a month then said I'll challenge you to do it by v day.

I'm having a mini :) my car is packing in!!

I was 13.1 this morning. Woohoo.
Survived a child free night with no slip ups. Doing well today too.

I was so tired last night and I hadn't had my last shake, my other half went and made it up for me, he walked in shaking it like Tom cruise off cocktail... Cute! It was the most blended shake I've drank lol.

Really want to be in the 12st range when I get weighed!!
Done really well with my water today. I've had all of my products and I'm now in bed.

Had a little incident earlier, I nearly passed out in the bathroom, it made me want to stop. Then I realised my bath was probably too hot lol so I'm still going.

I've not had hardly any side effects this time, no headaches or feeling faint in general. Tonight I've been offered kfc, booze etc.. Turned it all down!

I'm off to sleep now. Sleep away some time because waiting for my new car is like waiting for christmas!
Day 15. Still going strong. I managed all 4 packs by 6pm with plenty of water.

I've counted all my packs and because I have some leftover from last time, I've still got a weeks worth. I don't know wether to just carry on with what I've got and skip weigh in this week coming, it will save me £50 that I could really do with saving this week. I weigh myself everyday anyways, I just can't help it lol.

Everyone getting on ok?
You are doing well! But judging from the photos - you've got nothing to lose! You look great already!

I agree with your CDC - you CAN get get to your target by end of February!
Thanks vee.. It's how I feel in myself. It's main areas, legs, stomach, arms. I can feel and see a difference so that's good. I'm about half a stone away from a healthy BMI now.

I'm defo skipping weigh in Tuesday I'll weigh myself. Got too many leftover products. Today I've only had coffee and water, not doing so well... Haven't felt hungry or actually been home to get a shake lol. I'll have squeeze them in before bed time.

I was 13st 4OZ today. I need that 1lb 1oz to get to 12.13. Then I'll know I'm defo on my way :)

My leather jacket is burying me now!
I've squeezed all 4 products in. I actually feel full like I've eaten proper food lol. I've had a chocolate shake, a spag Bol, a porridge and a warm choc mint shake and loads of water. Couldn't eat now if I wanted to.

Raising my bottle of water to day 16!
Day 17

12.13 this morning. Well and 3/4 but that's nothing lol. I'm well on my way!

Had to drink 2 shakes together earlier then had a spag Bol. I'm getting crap for not wanting them in the day. Do you think this would make a bad difference?


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Day 17 12.13 this morning. Well and 3/4 but that's nothing lol. I'm well on my way! Had to drink 2 shakes together earlier then had a spag Bol. I'm getting crap for not wanting them in the day. Do you think this would make a bad difference?

I'm wondering the same thing. This past week I am hungrier when I spread the products throughout the day. When I don't eat at all, I am not hungry! Not sure if this affects losses though. Would welcome advice from everyone??
Loving this . . . .

I'm also a big social drinker ( G&T ) we all know when we drink we eat so your diary is great for me and I love your humour & honesty.

Keep up the good work :)
It doesn't seem to be affecting me too much. Getting lighter everyday!!

I do miss getting drunk. I'm way too stubborn to have a night off though!

Glad it made you giggle, I do try to turn crappy situations around with humour.

So I'm on day 18 100%!!!

Lots of black coffee and water today. My other half has this mad obsession with McDonald's at the moment, he's slim though, jammy sod. I took him through the drive thru and I just had a black coffee... Oooshh! Willpower at its best. Their sweetener was granulated though, I hope this doesn't affect me. I'm now lying in bed with what feels like a day 1-3 headache! I'm sure I've drank plenty and I've had all 4 products. Hmm... Maybe it's the thought of my mum cooking chicken stir fry downstairs. Arghh! Really missing food lately I must admit, not enough to eat it though. Although yesterday I was mega stressed as I was putting out the kids tea, chicken pie! I licked the tiniest bit of gravy off my finger and immediately I was filled with a sense of dread! Old habits die hard!

I'm still not having my products until I get home about 3 ish in the afternoon.

Anyways it's time I went to sleep, I'm picking up my new car in the morning and I'm way too excited!!

Night night, put your shaker lid on tight, if you see food don't be tempted to bite ;)
Not much to report today other than day 19 complete. Only managed 3 products today I'm just not feeling them lately. Still plodding on though. 12.12 on my scales this morning. Oh and I have my new car! Whahay!
Not much to report today other than day 19 complete. Only managed 3 products today I'm just not feeling them lately. Still plodding on though. 12.12 on my scales this morning. Oh and I have my new car! Whahay!

12.12, well done. It's always fab to drop down into the next stone,

19 days already, it's flown by.

Enjoy the new car :)