Back in a Bathing Suit after 7 years...3 Stones Gone FOREVER!

You are so beautiful! Well done x
Amazing! I'm needing to lose 3 1/2 stone (ish) to touch the top of the healthy weight range. I'm expecting it to take me a year, but your post gives me a glimmer of hope that I may be able to do it a little quicker yet still be eating healthily and well - thank you!
OK! I couldn't wait until I lost that ONE last pound before I reached my goal to post this. I'm too excited to share and tell. I'm a mother of three, still in my 20's, and I just lost 42 pounds to date. That's approximately 3 stones. I know that doesn't seem like a lot compared to many of your accomplishments, but for me it was a mountain.

I was very athletic growing up and never really had any weight issues. Then I got married, then I got pregnant, and then I got pregnant 2 more times after that. I let the busyness of life and sad excuses take over my health and fitness. After my third baby, I was overweight, frumpy, and I hadn't seen my feet in 2 years!

It was definitely time for a change. And change I did. There's the "slowly but surely" way of doing things and then there's the "Enough's enough, let's whip this fat butt into shape ASAP" way of doing things. I chose the latter. I knew what I had to do. I knew the things I had to give up. I knew what I needed to get done to get where I wanted to be.

I made the ultimate decision to start losing weight and to get back to pre-baby shape on May 2011. In just under four months, I finally did it. That may seem like a short amount of time to lose a considerable amount of weight, but I did it the healthy and natural way. No pills, no fad diets, no boxed meals, and no starving myself. Just ate healthier, ate smaller portions, worked out, and said no to everyday temptations.

One of the best parts to losing the weight is doing it while still being able to enjoy the foods I love. This is what my "diet" consisted of...

Everything in moderation.

I knew I had the power to change, I knew it was in me to change. I just had to take that first step and make the decision to change. I've finally made eating healthy a lifestyle and learned to stop eating when I was full. I stopped obliging myself to finish my children's left overs during meals or to over indulge to the point where my stomach felt like it was about to pop. Remember, you don't always have to empty your plate....that's what a doggy bag is for.

So without further ado, I bring you a healthier, fitter, trimmer Me!

We can all achieve what we've set out to do. Always stay motivated, stay committed, and never give up!

~Rachel Joy

You look amazing Hun and your food looks delicious too xxx
Congratulations! and Enjoy! Clothes fun again? I appreciate how you believed you could change > belief in change is essential. Then you get there with persistence! Great work!
Congratulations on your weight loss, you look fantastic!
I am the same start weight as you and looking to loose the same so seeing your progress photo's is a massive inspiration! x
Nice job.

One thing I took away from this is to not feel obligated to eat. I grew up with a mom who would guilt trip me into always finishing everything on my plate even if I wasn't hungry. Finishing my plate became an automatic habit for me. Talk about a recipe for overeating... It wasn't until I was in my late 20s did I realize that I didn't need to eat everything if I didn't want to.

Congrats. :)