Full Member
Morning missus, I've got 6 days off work after today although the first 2 days will be spent doing more housework, not fun...
Looking forward to this weekend though, family meal out on Friday, big boxing match early hours of Sunday morning, then my sister staying Sunday night. Should be good, once all the cleaning is out of the way.
Hope you're keeping well!
Hi hun, had the results from my chest x-ray...I had no idea they were looking for lung cancer, but I got the all clear Ive been put on a tablet they use to help with M.E so hopefully there wont be any nasty side effects :/ .....and also I had a date at the weekend......and he was lovely and added bonus is he lived with someone who had M.E so I dont have to worry about how he'd cope with it . We've been chatting for 3wks and had 2 dates now so who knows what will come of it...its just nice to have is not going well lol