Your posts make me laugh, you have a great (subtle) sense of humour and it comes across. I'm not sure how a piece of coal would help, but I guess you could pack one? Just in case? Because why not?

That will be an interesting one to explain to the doctors in any case! ....
I used to be pasta fiend! When I was little, pasta wasn't a staple in our household (Eastern Europeans have an obsession with potatoes... so I can't really eat them anymore), but that's the thing I always loved most. Now I've grown out of it and I only really have it when I'm ill - some plain pasta with a bit of butter is just heavenly. But having said that, I'm still obsessed with fresh white bread. In kindergarten, we took a trip to the local bakery, and they gave us a freshly baked white loaf... Just wow. It was amazing. My grandparents were always a bit mad when they'd bring some bread home only to find it hollow within half an hour!

I was a terror.
I do miss fruit as well, but, I do know it's all sugar. So I have an apple as a treat every now and then and maybe some blueberries, but, carefully. I remember when I came off VLCD and made a huge mistake by having grapes. I didn't realise they had such a high sugar content, it made me ravenous. So I've become a bit weary. But, in moderation, as a treat, I don't see why you couldn't have some.
My week is going alright, thank you! I'm starting the coursework over the weekend, hopefully, I'll get to the bottom of what the lecturer wants us to do and then get on with it. I'll submit *something* at the end, whether it's right, that's a separate question entirely... O_O
I hope your last few days in the UK are great and you will enjoy your time away! Don't think about the op too much, there's no reason to stress and worry x