Next year Rodders I'll be a size 12.....
Well I haven't been around much lately partly because I feel guilty writing a dieting diary when I'm currently not
. I really do need to get a grip, I know what you are saying is right Tracy and I had intended to get back on track sooner but while not trying to make excuses for myself have struggled so much more with rehab from the op than I thought I would. I have come to the conclusion that most of the orthopaedic physios I've encountered are complete psychopaths. I know they have to dish out tough love, and be strict about getting you to exercise the joint, but if I am told by one more person I have to "work through the pain" I will thump somebody. My daughter is an OT in a stroke unit and sees both sides as a therapist. She says that a lot of people don't try, and it's frustrating, but surely they should differentiate between those that are trying, but not able to achieve targets, and those who don't try? I am trying so bloody hard but because I had a lot of other issues with the joint before the op my recovery is slower, my quads are wasted and it is so hard. I think the worst time was only five days after having the 40 odd clips removed, and with the wound still really sore and slightly weepy one particular physio decided without warning to start massaging the scar to break down the scar tissue by digging her thumbs into it. I was trying so hard not to cry. I normally come away from these sessions feeling a failure and utterly defeated, and promptly go home and eat everything in sight. Yesterday however I had a young bloke who was fantastic, who encouraged me and kept high-fiving me each time I achieved a target, who said he can see how hard I am trying. What a difference! I came home so much happier and positive.
Anyway, rant over. I'm going to start cutting out all the crap this week and start dieting properly next Monday as we have a big family party next weekend. It's disappointing I've put a lot of what I lost back on but I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I lost it before and I'll lose it again.
Anyway, rant over. I'm going to start cutting out all the crap this week and start dieting properly next Monday as we have a big family party next weekend. It's disappointing I've put a lot of what I lost back on but I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I lost it before and I'll lose it again.