
soon to be minnie mouse
Well got my head thinking straight today, was having a bit of a wobble last night could'nt seem to lift my mood.On week 4 now and steady weight loss so thought the dark days were gone, has anyone else felt this way
mouse ive had a bad day, had the phone in my hand to ring the curry house!!!! its like a temporary insanity!!! an out of body experience i was like a woman possessed, so watched the dvd again, then a friend rang up to tell me shes gonna start diet tomos, and i started telling her all the benefits and how brill it is, did the trick, thank god phewwww lol so no your not alone
Cheers girls I suppose we all wobble a bit and the cold doesn't help the mood, ps I loved the debate going on before about to eat or not to eat but opted out of it lol, am loving both your posts though
im still waiting for your question mouse!!!!! you a man or a mouse?
Yeah, hun like lil says everyone has bad and good days ....go and try your fat clothes on and it will soon make you more determind than ever hunni!!!!!!