Gold Member
It's going well thank you! Hope u survive till lunch and no sneak brownies now ;-) x
thanks "/ lol x
It's going well thank you! Hope u survive till lunch and no sneak brownies now ;-) x
did you manage to keep the will power intact Shez hun? xx
Here to follow Hun! Well done for getting back on track it's hard wen you go off to come back on I haven't been probally on track for months now and it's my first week back too
Your food today sounds yummy!! Xx
and to put the cherry on the cake my other half came back and bcys ive not been well today he said
'do u want a chinese or a chippy to save u cookin'
How many pp do you have left? Chinese is quite low. X
hardly any serena!!
after my binge iv consumed 24 already without tea!!
Oh :-( Was gonna say Chinese is pretty good value but maybe not that good ;-) x
oh well looks like im having a jacket potato again with tuna n mayo n salad, gone for healthy option but still 8 points out of my weeklies!
arghhhh im so angry!
its not gonna work so i may as well just scrap it now! the weekend is now a write off as il hav usef the majority of my weeklies which i was supposed to be saving!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe take this week as a Trial Run, you're getting yourself to grips with the Plan, be good when you can be good, next week you can hit it hard! X
i knew i started at the wrong time cus now i feel like a let down again!!
but i shudda just started fresh next tues cus bday would have been over then!