Loves Minimins!
Hope the workmen clear out soon! Photo studio? Impressive! WI on tues now so not long
have a good telco trip! Cx
Hope the workmen clear out soon! Photo studio? Impressive! WI on tues now so not longhave a good telco trip! Cx
So how does pp compare to discover then? Enjoy harvester lol xx
I get what u mean! I want custard today lol... I'm just craving choc and I'm trying to avoid weeklies! Had my lunch and still hungry... And bored of exercisefeeling a bit tired n grumpy but ok xx
Well I had 6 weeklies yest and 1 on wed and have got 16AP! X
I might have custard next week lol! Might do some baking sometime too! How's ur week? When is WI? X