Thanks so much ladies I'm well happy and feeling much better now thank you! Been really tired and think there's a bug going around at school. Going to chill again today
ww bagel with philadelphia 3
Morrisons salad bar 7??!!
Mini aero 2
1 sausage 2
Mash 3
Peas 0.5
Gravy 0.5
Drinks and snacks
Milk for hot drinks 2
Hot cross bun 4
Well having a proper crap week!! Proper busy at the start of the week and then on Thursday we found out that ofsted are inspecting us :-/ eeeeekkkk... next Monday and Tuesday!! I am soo worried it's untrue, don't think I ever been so scared! Worked late last night and tonight and got to go to school tomorrow and Sunday, going to be tired nervous and a mess by Mon and Tues I have stuck to plan tho god knows how, tho last night I ended up having pizza for tea. Lost 0.5lb I'm happy with that. May not be on for the next few days now till it's over. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Keep it up xxxxxxxx
Good luck with inspection. Not as bad as you think. Not much point getting too stressed either. You want your lessons to be as natural as possible. If you are overly worried this won't be able to happen.
Thanks so much everyone! Wasn't as bad as I expected! But had a great deal of pressure put on us, and it's been horrible. But it's over yay, and first lie in and day off in 12 days so I'm happy.
I didn't stick to plan at all this week, some days I was eating very little as so stressed, others as I was eating loads, but did wi yesterday and some how I'm sts very happy. Going to take it easy today woop. Hope everyone is well, spk soon xxxx
Thanks Mr Happy I'm guessing you a fellow teacher? Yes I got good feedback thanks, glad the horrid thing is over tho lol. Still really busy at the mo, oh the joys of teaching.
How you doing? Gosh yes long time no speak. Hope you're ok and doing well! How have you been? I'm ok thanks, uber busy at work at the mo and struggling to get on here at the mo.. but being good. Prob cos I don't have time to eat anymore lol xxxxxxx