Hi hon. I hope you are doing well. You have so much going on and yet you seem to stay on track foodwise. That is a great achievement. Well done and keep up the good work.
Hello everyone, sorry not been on but got no laptop at present and its so hard doing this from my piddly phone!!! Lost about 20lbs now but feel sluggish and a bit fed up this week! Had my hair cut and it looks like a bowl!! Lol I feel so miserable and I want my cheekbones back! Lol
Hopefully get laptiop back soon.
Back on in a few days. Thanks everyone for support xxxx
Great result. 20 lbs is a fab milestone to reach. Those cheekbones will be back soon. Remember that others will notice your loss more than you, so keep at it, you are a great inspiration.
Well there is no secret really. I am really overweight and that's prob initial big losses. It will slow down. Didn't lose this week but it is time of the month and I ate a huge danish pastry today!! Oh dear!
Back on track tomorrow. Still on my blackberry doing this and screen is weeny! Annoying!