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Probably my third attempt in the past year, but here we go again.

So far i've done a week on the Cabbage Soup then a week on healthy eating and excercise and got 11lbs off.

Took out a gym membership (more for the wife and kids, theres a load on for them at the local sports centre too) and plan to get my moneys worth.

Now moving on to give Ultra Slim a go.

8 Weeks till the holidays, lets see what I can shift.
Soupstone said:
Probably my third attempt in the past year, but here we go again.

So far i've done a week on the Cabbage Soup then a week on healthy eating and excercise and got 11lbs off.

Took out a gym membership (more for the wife and kids, theres a load on for them at the local sports centre too) and plan to get my moneys worth.

Now moving on to give Ultra Slim a go.

8 Weeks till the holidays, lets see what I can shift.

Good luck losing the lbs x

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