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97/105 syns! Had a rubbish sleep and I feel so crap like I'm really ill so woke up and had some chocolate 8 hxa milk must drink more water tonight!!!
Well it's weigh day but I did not weigh as I can't get to group! But have been good all well until after waking up this evening and I've had crisps some ice cream and a chocolate bar! I could syn it all! Probably 100,s I feel crap for it but won't let it take me off plan! I am getting up and going to spin class tomorrow and will right back on it because I felt so great last week!

Hope your all ok I am so tired and back on days Sunday :( first day shift in 7 weeks
Hi all I'm still here back in track! I forgot my password and havnt been able to log in! Boo hope your all fine today I have used 4.5 syns
Morning well afternoon all, I'm still here plodding along through my long shifts this week no time to eat been non stop on my feet! I have finished early today and was going to go to the gym but I'm considering not and just chilling for a bit. I have eaten a innocent veg pot 5 syns and a hifi bar hxb today no time! Xmas do on Thursday I'm feeling nervous about it
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Hi hunnie.. God your days sound exhausting.. I wouldn't be able for it.. Well done for thinking about the gym.. I'd be only thinking of my bed!!!
i didn't go tonight I need to out my feet up but I'm pretty sure I have burnt lots of cals today, it is exhausting but I like a challenge and love meeting people and helping them
Morning all,

Well it's my staff do tonight I'll try and post a picture later. I made a scan bran cake this am a choc peanut butter one using pb2 it's great stuff powered peanut butter and it's only 2.5 syns for two tbsps.

So my cake is 2 syns a slice or hxb and 1

Also had a crazy moment and got this pierced on my way home yesterday, I will drink lots of water today and eat well but tonight it is a meal and wine so I will enjoy that and then get back on board tomo


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