Gold Member
yeh I always was a Friday weigher anyway so I think ill do thatI'd weight in on Friday if you can in that case? I switch to Friday group if I'm going out on Friday night x
yeh I always was a Friday weigher anyway so I think ill do thatI'd weight in on Friday if you can in that case? I switch to Friday group if I'm going out on Friday night x
thank youGood luck for Friday x
Well it's not even 9am and I am having the worst day already it is pay day and I have been underpaid by over half of what I usually get so I simply can't live this month, I have a giant cold sore on my chin and have a party tonight and to top it off I have somehow managed to put on 1lb this week so I feel like giving up at the moment! Just off to the gym to blow off some steam before I have a breakdown! Any way rant over have a wonderful day
I hope so I'm trying to sort it now been on the phone for ages to different people getting annoyed I feel so stressedMorning chick That's bad of them, will they sort it out and do a bacs transfer for you? Surely they cant leave it until next month. You have to be able to live after all Well done for going to the gym... you'll get rid of that 1lb x
hello how are you getting on? It's hard as I'm back living at home for a whole so my family have loads of crap in but I am usually good at ignoring it and get my own food but when I have shifts sometimes I get so tired and need to organise better but I am still on track not letting this day affect my diet!Hi, Just wanted to say that you hit the nail on the head when you said about being disorganised. One of the biggest problems I have found with diets in the past is not having the 'right' foods in so have had a tendency to eat the wrong things. Hope your still on track, good luck!
hope your ok I had a few drinks ! All done now back in trackSounds like you'll need those gins tonight! I've had a shocker of a week too, here's to the weekend!!
yeh I am. And yes it did thank youThat's not too bad, did the wine work with the stress? You're having syns weekly aren't you, so that fits in ok.
yeh I know you can have beans as hxb can't youThe soup wudnt be coz of beanss xx Sent from my SM-T210 using mobile app