Hi everyone, I am a newbie I started slim and save on Monday, I am not sure whether I have entered ketosis as I have really bad gas, OMG it stinky and I am not sure whether its from the flavoured water powder or the bars, or its just a reaction to Ketosis ? does anyone know, I still feel hunger pains and I am now on day 7, wondering whether that's normal or whether its my body playing tricks on me. Maybe its just the side effects off the diet etc, I have been using the client meal planner and it does say i am in deep ketosis, etc, I am hoping that the smelly gas goes away lol
Would love any buddies to speak to or any help and advice xx
Hi, I'm not sure I can answer ur question but will share my experience. I felt like it took a good wk for me to get in ketosis on S&S (previously 3/4 days on LT). I have also had wind, not particularly smelly tho. I've also had some abnormal bathroom activity, at the risk of TMI lets just say, I wouldn't trust a pump in the first couple of weeks lol x
Yeah noisy tummy, gassy and stinky. In the bath I could make my own stinky hot tub! It settles down after a while (into week three I think) I think it is to do with the lack of bulk in your system giving it a good old clear out and all the nutrients in the packs. Could be wrong though.
It's fairly normal. Your body is going through a change of consumed products. When there's a drastic diet change, body has to develop and adapt enzymes in the gut to deal and digest this 'new' stuff. So while it adjusts it can have some bloaty-gassy and smelly side effects. It will pass in a week or two. Stick with it, you're ok!
Though obviously keep an eye on it - if you feel unwell - go see your doctor and stop the diet - a chemical may be heavily disagreeing with you! So be careful
Thank you for all your responses it's made me feel alot better. Knowing others are going through the same as me lol weigh in today so super excited lol xx
Totally normal. I notice you mention the water flavourings - I have a couple of glasses with flavouring now if I am in need of some assistance in, *ahem* going, otherwise I avoid. It gives me huge amount of painful rumblings. I've also had trapped wind in my chest so bad I was about to call an ambulance (heart disease is rife in my family) - I did the biggest loudest burp when reaching for my phone - soooo embarrassing, but can you imagine if that had waited til the blue lights arrived!!
OMG Noodles, funny you should say that! I had the 'toilet incident' on the day I tried the water flavourings! hahaha.. now I know why! I'll use that as a laxative then