Yeah she's just turned 14 months and only learned to toddle in the last couple of weeks. She's my first so it's all a bit of a learning experience! It's not been at all like what I expected, and I was really ill just after she was born, but we got through it and we're doing well now. I love her at this stage, I found the baby bit very frustrating and hard, but as she gets more independent I'm really enjoying it, I can't wait til she can talk. Lots of people said to me that it's a nightmare when they can walk but I love it.
Well it's 1pm, I've had 2 cups of coffee, 750ml water and a strawberry shake. Just spent 2 hours in a meeting, so couldn't drink too much water, can't keep leaving the meeting to go for a wee! So no more meetings now but I need to get on with some work. Water bottle at the ready. Hope everyone is having a good day xx