Hellllloooooooo Guys!!!
Well I have been MIA this past week, thankfully not gorging on pizzas ect but infact laid out with FLU!!! Man it was tough!! I didnt update weighin on Monday well because I have been in the throes of illness/night nurse nor have I been to the gym since last Thursday but Ill let myself off because well flu and excercise do not go together, nu-huh they do not!!:sigh:
Sooo I am back at Gym tomorrow whoop whoop and I weighed today and I am 12st 4.8lbs (well I was this morning!!) Almost 3lbs off YEEEEE HAAAAA!!! not long until I scrape my way into the 11's whoopie!! Only thing is im Paranoid this is flu lost weight not you have been CC'ing for 2 weeks and finally you are losing weight....Time will tell!!
Hope you guys are all good and have lost loads!!!xx