Morning all, Mrs Brave here! Well after 3 hours at A+E, I had an xray which showed up a nice chunk of glass. So, no anaethestic as an 'awkward' place to numb, I gritted my teeth whilst the nurse dug around to get the glass out. Eventually she got it, although as she cheerfully said, it really had gone in a long way - thank you, I had noticed! One tetanus later and I was off home again. It's a bit sore but not too bad.
Did quite well on the food front, didn't resort to comfort food but did have some maltesers in the evening, but only because I really wanted them.
Karion, I think I can see a broken fat fryer in your kitchen, you should definately replace it. Last night I cooked a beef stir fry in my new fryer and it was FANTASTIC, so juicy and tasty and fat free!!!
Very intrigued by you being a Humanist KD, I would like to find out more. I must say it was a delightful wedding in every way and I would certainly want a Humanist funeral when I pop my clogs.
Looking forward to tomorrows weigh in, it's weird, I find myself really looking forward to Wednesday, my food diary is looking good, haven't missed a day and although Saturday was seriously OTT, I expect to see a lb off at least.
Watch this space tomorrow morning!