Barb's going at it a little differently!

You're making positive changes to your lifestyle. Be proud of that and know that those changes are gonna help you with this.
Oh Barb

So very sorry to hear this.
Keep strong huni, i have 2 in laws with diabetes, it is controllable and they live typical lives and allow for their diabetes in different situations.
I understand you must feel shocked and a little scared too, but stay optimistic love, and once the shell shocked feeling subsides, get as much info that you can and seek any support you need. We are all here for you at any time {hugs}
I'm sorry i don't know enough to give you practical advise, but I want you to know I care (despite not actually meeting you face to face) and wish I could do something, anything to make you feel better right now.
Is it type 1 or 2? If you ever want to chat off the forum pm me anytime.

Rose x
Keep smileing hunni :wavey:
Hi Everyone and thank you so much for all your support. Got my more sensible head on this morning and although I am still upset about the whole thing I am very,very, very determined.
Looking on the bright side, which I must, I am doing all the right things already. I am losing weight, exercising daily and my 'numbers' are actually only just into the diabetic range, so if I can bring them down 4 points in just 3 weeks, imagine what will happen when I have been on this healthy regime for 2 months etc. These changes are for life, I know that, but all I am going to do is benefit, so that's no biggie, is it?

So my friends, onwards and downwards, with the lbs and the sugar levels. I can, I must, I will do this!
Morning Barb...

Sorry it wasn't good news at the doctors :mad: It's always really tough to deal with bad news until you have a chance to think about it, consider it and always always always sleep on it.

I don't know much about diabetes, but I do know what it feels like to be hit with news like that out of the blue... all I can say is keep chin up, there's always a way to get better and I'm delighted to see you're so positive this morning. I genuinely believe positivity is half the battle :)

You're well on your way to a healthier future. Even if weight loss won't cure the diabetes, being a healthier weight and fitter will absolutely make a difference in your body's ability to fight back....

I hope today is brighter for you... ;)
glad you are feeling brighter today Barb :)

take care, you have the right attitude, inner strength doesn't come easy to everyone well done! Take your time adjusting to a new lifestyle until you are totally comfortable with it.

Have a nice weekend :)
You are a survivor Barb, you will deal with this and move on!!!!

Like you say you are making positive changes.

I feel like I need to really sort my life out weight wise because I can see this all happening to me..... I am 40 this year and I need to lose this weight for my health foremost.

Chin up !!! x x x
Hi sweets, sorry to have been awol for so long. Glad you are sounding so positive about the diabetes, you are dead right about getting those numbers down with a healthy life style. We are all statistics in some manner anyhow! Have a good one!
Thank you all for your kind comments, much appreciated as always.

having had some time to think it over and chat with my DH about it I am feeling much better. It occurred to me yesterday that if that 2nd result had been ok, I could have viewed it as an excuse to slacken my resolve and drift back to my old ways. I know how easy that is, i have done it many times. But with the result i got that is not an option. That is a good thing, I can make myself healthier and I will.

I am looking forward to Tuesday's weigh in knowing i will have lost something, doesn't matter how much, so long as there is a drop going on it doesn't matter. I am off swimming later, no class today but have done 4 this week ( 45mins of aqua aerobics each time ) so that's pretty good.

Wishing all you lovely ladies a great weekend.
great attitude as usual Barb, and so correct!

Those scales will have you grinning on tuesday, especially with the amount of time you've spent in the water recently :)

Like you said, it doesn't matter how much or how long it takes, as long as it comes off....that is the important thing!

(I had a good think while out walking yesterday and have vowed, NEVER to let myself get this big ever again for as long as i live!!!!)

have a good weekend lovey :)
Keep that positive attitude and use it to do great things for yourself :) Have a good weekend!
Just back from DLC, did 20 lengths as no class today. very pleased with myself. Feel good, this is working.
Had a chinese take-away last night as kitchen is out of action. Had some of my own steamed basmati rice (frozen in handy one portion bags for such emergency situations!), chilli prawns, which have no batter or anything and are nice and spicy, a half portion of vegetables and that was it! Felt very pleased with those choices, I didn't want to say no to a take-away but I did straight away start worrying about calories. I think what I chose was good and I did really enjoy it.

I have noticed how much more i am eating at meal time now I am not snacking. I tend to eat my whole meal, something i never normally do. I ate all the prawns last night, which I have never done before. Very interesting. The other thing that occurred to me yesterday is that since starting this new regime I have not had to have a single indigestion tablet! I was always crunching on a Rennie, but not any more. That has to be a good thing too.

Relly looking forward to Tuesday's weigh in - I am hoping for 3lbs this week, but 2 would do!
Great choices there Barb. I actually turned down a chinese and did my own chicken stir fry last night in an attempt to stay in control.

I hear what you are saying about snacking. Im beginning to see that that is my downfall, even if its something like fruit, it seems to "trigger" my appetite. Although, if Im hungry, I will have something, but Im trying not to snack for the sake of it.

Have a nice day.
You are right Clarri, once I start nibbling it sets me off into eating mode. Dangerous!

Very good day yesterday, went for a late swim, 22 lengths, very nice but i prefer my aqua classes! looking forward to one today at 12pm.

Weigh in tomorrow and feel excited, I actually feel slimmer which is really good. Seeing the doc this afternoon, so hope she will be pleased with the positive steps I have already taken.
What sensible choices with your takeaway. Just shows how much willpower and determination you have, it would have been so easy to have something more calorific!

I hope all goes well at docs today, I'll pop back for an update later :)

Here's to a good result on those scales tomorrow, good luck!
Hi Barb...

Well done on keeping positive and seeing the bright side of your news. That's a really hard thing to do! It's all too easy to feel sorry for yourself.

Good choices on the takeaway... I really do think that you need to be able to eat some of the things you like, otherwise a diet won't be sustainable and you'll revert to old habits. By choosing wisely, you can still enjoy food and lose weight.. win win ;)

Best of luck on the weigh in tomorrow :D

Hey Barb! Sorry I wasn't here when you had your [momentary] crisis! you definitely have your head on straight about it now though. It's the kick in the arse we all need sometimes anyway, so use it as inspiration and motivation!
Sensible choices with the takeaway, good that you enjoyed it too. We get into habits, like always having the sweet and sour battered chicken, and think that that's the only thing that we'll like, but it's good to have a nose around and realise that there are other [healthier] tasty options. :)

Amazing swimming, the number of laps you can do is steadily increasing, that's wicked, shows how much fitter you're becoming, and that's bound to help with not only weight loss, but toning and the diabetes now.

Everything else ok? Did you get all of the info on diabetes? I think that with your new healthy lifestyle you're probably ticking all of the boxes anyway :)

Best wishes lovely.